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Anthony Combs


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Logan p.o.v
I woke up in Anthony's arms.

"Woah woah. What happened here" I said waking him up. He just started laughing like something was funny

"Chill out shawty, we was just chilling"He said in that sexy voice of his. Damn if he didn't have a girlfriend ...

"For some reason I find that hard to believe"I said grabbing my stuff and heading for the door.

"Hold on shawty"he said pulling my arms until I was dead in his face. I just started into his eyes for a little while longer before making him let go.

I blew a kiss then left. I walked to my dorm and took a quick shower. I got dressed in my light pink dress and my jean jacket. I slipped on my mk sneakers and kept my hair flat.

I grabbed my stuff for 12th grade calculus. I took the elevator upstairs to Mr. B class.

I slipped in the back so no one would see me but just the opposite happened. Everyone started staring at me.

"Ms. Gilmore, glad you could join"He said before I smiled back.

A couple minutes into the class Anthony walks in, he slides into the seat next to his girlfriend and I just chuckled to myself.

His girlfriend Janet kept looking back at me then looking at her friend. The fuck is she staring for?

The class ended finally and I had a free period so I just decided to stay in my dorm.

"You got a free period too Lo?"Melody asked

"Yup"I said watching people's snap stories.

"You going to the party this weekend?"She asked

"Nahh, I ain't make that many friends and parties not really my thing"I told her

"Seriously?"She said sitting up

"Ha of course not. But I need new clothes, let's go shopping right now"I said before a bright smile lit up on her face and we both raced out to my limo and headed to the mall.

Anthony p.o.v
I was walking back to my dorm from class cause I have a free period. I'm chillin in my room listening to music then all of a sudden I hear a loud ass knock on my door.

I get up to go answer it when it just bust opens before I can get to it.

"Where is she Anthony"Janet said looking everywhere

"Chill ma, who are you talkin bout?"I asked laughing a bit.

"You think this shit funny? Logan, I know y'all were together so is she with you now? She also has a free period ri-"she was interrupted by my phone ringing.

I hadn't checked caller id before I answered it so I was clueless.

"Hello?" I spoke in the phone

"Hey Anthony, me and Mel are out at the mall wanna join?"Logan said really loudly. I looked up and Janet who wasn't saying anything but just staring at me.

"Go head, answer her. Tell her we'll be right there"She said in a loud whisper so Logan wouldn't hear her.

"I'll be right there"I spoke before Logan said Ard and hung up.

"Imma go change and we'll meet that bitch there"She said and left before I got any say.

After about 15 minutes she came back and we left.

She was cussin me out in the car ride but I was just blocking her out and thinking about Logan.

When we got there we waited in the food court for her, if you know Logan you know she loves food.

After like a hour or two she showed up at chipotle, predictable.

I smiled as I laid my eyes on her sexy ass, but my smile faded quickly when Janet started walking over there.

She was with melody laughing about something when Janet called her name.

Logan p.o.v
Melody was telling me her mom's reaction to her saying she wants to go to a boarding school, it was funny so I was just standing in the chipotle line laughing my ass off

Someone behind me called my name I looked over my shoulder and saw some girl in my face.

"May I help you?" I said confused

"You're new here so I'm going to tell you this once. You see Anthony over there, yeah he's my boyfriend. Don't touch him or talk to him or none of that. Do I make myself clear? Good great" she told me and I deadass just laughed in her face.

"For one, if I wanted your mans I could have him but obviously I don't which is why he's still with you. Another thing stop being so insecure, and start trusting your man. I mean I wouldn't trust him either if he was just laid up with me last night but I'm pretty sure that's something you and him need to talk about" I said smiling and covering up my mouth like I said something I wasn't supposed to.

She just stood there like she was about to do something but she didn't. She just walked away towards Anthony.

I didn't even mind the situation, I got my food and I left with Mel.

We got back to school and went in our dorm. Me, Mel and LaLa decided to have a little sleepover. Even though we're roommates.

"What movie should we watch? I have the notebook, juice or um brother love"Lala said

"Obviously Juice, I'm trynna see zaddy Tupac"Mel said sticking out her tongue.

We stayed up until 2 watching movies and talking about anything. We all were knocked at about 3.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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