My Regrets Keep Replaying In My Head (Jiley)

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(Please read this all)

Hey guys!
I know I haven't been here a lot, but I'm kind of running out of steam, I have been for a while now (not to mention school has gotten 100x harder)

I hope you can all understand - I would also like to thank you all for your kind messages on my last fic, it meant so, SO much to me!! They do not go unnoticed :)

I'll probably put this book to completed soon, but I still have a bit of petrol left.

Just a few deets about this fic:

- It is a song/lyric one because I have never done one of those and it's good to broaden your horizons or whatever

- I actually wrote the song that's in this fic so tell me what you think. Obv you can't hear it but just imagine :)

Mentions of *shudders* Ralfie

Summary: Riley is asking for forgiveness, we take a look inside James's brain. It is tumultuous. What will James say?

All your broken promises, whistle in the wind.

James just stared at Riley, looking deep into her brown eyes, the feeling of betrayal pricking and gnawing at his skin.

The hurt hadn't even set in yet.

And now you want to fix this, but you don't know where to begin.

She was with him.

She chose him over James.

And James had to watch as she was happy without him, as if he was never there, a ghost who had no purpose.

And now?

She just changed her mind?

James didn't think that was fair; not after everything she put him through - the trials and tribulations. He was exhausted, physically and mentally.

She left him.

Not once in James's entire life had he felt so alone.

And now she wanted to come back and pretend it was all okay?

James didn't think he could do that.

All your lies, the times I've cried, they left a stain.

The skies were so grey without Riley.
The flowers were less colourful.
Happiness didn't seem real.
Nothing was as it was.

James had shed tears - he will admit, Riley had changed him - at one time it was for the better, but now it was for the worse.

He felt broken, damaged.

He couldn't just forget that pain, that immense hurt.

She couldn't just snap her fingers and it would all be ok.

Not this time.

All the painful memories were ingrained in James's mind, and neither Riley or him wouldn't be able to get rid of them for a long time.

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