Waiter Helps The Waiting (Jiley)

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A/N at the bottom for explanation. Hope you enjoy :)

"Ma'am, would you like a drink?" The waiter asked, looking at Riley expectantly.

"Uh, just a water please," The brown-haired girl replied nervously, her fingers twitching.

She knew she shouldn't have trusted her sister. Because now she was on a blind date with a man she'd never met before.

Well, except he hadn't shown up.

And now Riley wasn't sure if he was going to. After all, he was almost an hour late.

And the waiter had come around nearly 5 times now, asking to order. She got that he was just a doing his job, but everyone was staring at her aloneness and Riley was starting to feel uncomfortable.

The brunette sat in thought for a few minutes, checking her phone every now and then to make it look as if she were preoccupied.
But the silence and damp mood surrounding her table, started to weigh on her conscious, and she regretted ever agreeing to this wretched blind date.

"Here's your water, ma'am," The waiter said, startling Riley out of her thoughts.

"Uh, thanks," She replied nervously, taking a large gulp.

The waiter continued to stand there for a few moments, looking deep in thought.

Just as Riley was about to question him, he quickly said, "This guy must be blind or an asshole, cause I would never leave someone as beautiful as you, waiting."

Riley didn't have any time to blush or reply, as the waiter just looked at her with sympathy and confusion, before turning away and walking back to the kitchen.

The brunette just sighed and looked down.

This night was weird.

Checking her phone, Riley saw that almost an hour had past. She decided to give it a few more minutes before bailing and heading out for ice cream.

The perfect pick-me-up for a situation such as this one.

Sighing yet again, Riley gathered her purse and began to slowly get up in shame.
She could feel the burn of the other customers' eyes on her, but she ignored them, trying to save what was left of her dignity.

She felt her chair slowly move backwards, but as Riley silently lifted herself up, she felt a startling hand on her shoulder.

"Darling, I'm so sorry I'm late," A man said, smiling at her, before taking the seat opposite.

Riley was a bit confused, but she turned around and sat back down.

She was shocked when the man who had decided to accompany her, was not in fact her date, but the waiter from before.

Riley blushed, remembering his comment, before giving a tight-lipped smile.

"What are you doing?" The brunette whisper-yelled across the table, a confused look sprawled across her face.

"Just go with it," The waiter said through his teeth, keeping a large, pearly smile on his face.

Riley was extremely puzzled, but the night was already strange, and so something like this didn't really surprise her now.

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