Chapter 13

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Authors Note:  A couple POV changes in this chapter, so just be aware of them.  I won't have too many more.



Chapter 13:

"Where did you get this?" Kat's brows furrowed as she examined the vial in her palm.

"My brother. Ivaylo. He gave it to me earlier."

That got Finnian's attention. He stood and before I could even contemplate what he was doing, he released an ear splitting roar and shifted into his wolf, his clothes shredding around him. I gasped and backed up, stumbling over my feet. I saw the ferocious beast launch at me and squeezed my eyes shut. I held my hands in front of me in a pathetic attempt to stop the blow, only it never came. I just felt a heated furry body behind me, then a whimpering in my ear as a cold, wet nose pressed against my neck.

Slowly, I blinked one eye open, then both. Finnian was no longer in front of me. I twisted my neck around and saw him standing between me and the fireplace. It finally clicked what happened. I was one step away from tripping right into the fireplace. Finnian wasn't attacking; he was placing his body between mine and the danger. My heart swelled in size, making me more sure of my decision.

"Finnian, you can't just scare her like that." Kat reprimanded.

He growled at her, but the menace from before was missing. Again, before I could even blink, he shifted back. I yelped and threw my hands over my eyes, blocking them from his exposed... manhood.

I was sure I'd probably seen it before, but as far as I could remember, I had never seen any man naked. I felt a little immature freaking out like that, considering I was twenty-four years old, but I couldn't help the automatic response. Not saying he didn't have anything to look at. He was actually pretty-

I shouldn't even go there.

"Put some pants on, for God's sake!" I snapped.

I heard a distance chuckle as he walked away, then a few seconds later, he returned and I hesitantly uncovered my eyes to see him in sweatpants and a t-shirt. I breathed a sigh of relief and dropped my hands.

"What were you going to do? Rip my throat out?" I demanded.

Finnian looked surprisingly sheepish. "Sorry. I couldn't control myself. I wasn't going to hurt you. I promise."

I glared at him, but nodded anyways.

"What did you mean when you said he gave it to you earlier?"

"Ivaylo showed up here before dinner. He said something about how he wasn't really here. A witch helped him to talk to me."

"And he gave this to you then?" I nodded. "Did he say what it did?"

"He told me to use it tomorrow night. He said that it would knock out everyone in the room except me."

"A sleeping potion..." She murmured, examining the liquid again. "Why did he want you to use it tomorrow night?"

"He said he was going to create a distraction tomorrow night. He wanted me to use this and sneak out the back. He said to follow the moon and he'd meet me."

Another growl erupted from Finnian's chest. "Don't even start, Finn! She's already having trouble telling us this. You're going to make it worse if you keep scaring her because you can't get a grip." Kat barked at him.

He huffed, but he calmed down nonetheless.

"Did he say what he was going to do exactly?"

"He said he was going to create a distraction on the southern border. That's all I know."

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