Chapter 26- Voices of the Dead

Start from the beginning

Mira offered no response so Samantha shrugged and continued. "A man can only do what he believes to be best, don't you think? And if that is taking a sword to another man, who can blame him besides the rest of us who have to clean up the blood." 

The way this girl's voice maintained its baseless mirth reignited the chills that shook Mira's gore-spattered frame. That one so young could speak of death so casually was a mystery so great it succeeded in breaking her thoughts of despair. 

"How can you say that?" Mira asked quietly. "How do you look at something like that and just move on?" 

The frailty in Mira's voice washed over Samantha's small frame until her eyes had become glassy. "I'm not sure.... I guess you just get used to it. Nothing like that has happened before, but I've helped Mama with her surgeries and Da' has been hurt on patrol more times than I remember. It's just there. So you live with it." 

Mira took shaky breath. "I pity you. In our city the only blade that was swung with such confidence was the scythe in the harvest season. We never had to harden ourselves to bloodshed or such suffering as this. There was always the Blue Guard, of course, but they were mere child's play in comparison to what you are faced with." 

The fog that had fallen over the younger girl's eyes dispersed with a distant smile. "I should very much like to see a city such as that. Maybe when this is all over you could take me there.

"Oh, I've nearly forgotten!" the girl exclaimed suddenly, practically jumping to her feet. "I'm to take you to the Great Hall! Thessi has sent for you." 

The city still lie in the eerie silence that threatened to choke it as one who held their breath in wait of some great event only to find they have fainted and missed it. Each step sang a mournful note for the dead. 

That is not to say it was not busy. No, footsteps filled the passages and rang in mournful chorus combined with the drumming of shields falling on their bearer's shoulders and the clattering of swords against the armor of the guards. 

Through Rae-Oiron Samantha led her, past the women who carried those that remained from the battlefield. Still the signs of battle were not shaken from that room. Arrows lie broken and shattered in the thick of dark red that threatened to consume the stones on which the scarlet dried. All the swords and armor had already been gathered or retrieved. Now those unfortunate enough to have been forsaken were taken away with all the graveness that was appropriate for such a grim task. These were the men who stubbornly refused to respond even as they were lain upon the wooden stretches carried by the healers and these were the men who received neither bandage nor potion for their wounds, only a sheet to conceal the sacrifice they had eagerly offered the night before. 

Despite the protests of her heart, Mira's eyes searched the faces of those left on the floor for either Godric's or Aeis's familiar face. Both hope and fear rid her mind as her eyes searched the scene, and it was not unnoticed by Samantha. 

"Might I ask what you look for? Unless of course," she added, "you wish not to talk about it?" 

"No it's not that. I haven't seen my companion from last night since the fighting began or another of my friends." 

"And you think they fell?" 

"I'm not sure. No, I don't think so. Both are stout of heart and resourceful. They couldn't have." 

Samantha said nothing, but led Mira up the flights of stairs toward one of the floors she was yet to explore in the city. The younger girl led her to a door where three guards stood, two on either side and one in the center. 

"Who are you and what is your business in the Great Hall?" The guard's voice was harsh and brutally commanding, but Samantha smiled unconcernedly. 

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