The Bar

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As I pull my car up outside the bar I see my friends; Bree, Donna, and Rose standing outside waiting for me. I park the car and get out locking the car door.

"Hey girls." I say as I walk towards them. They all hug me and then pull me towards the doors of the bar. 

"How you lovely girls going?" Asked James, the bar-tender.

"Good, thanks." Said the other three.

"Alright, I guess. Bradley and I broke up. He cheated on me." I quietly reply.

"That's no good. What would you four like to drink?" He asked, cleaning shot glasses with a cloth.

"Three beers, and one creamy soda." I order.

 I don't drink alcohol, so I order my favourite drink; creamy soda. We sat down at the bar.

I suddenly felt the presence of something strange. My nose caught onto the smell of sulfur. 'Crap.Crap.Crap. Demons' I grabbed my angel blade from my hand bag, holding it close to my body.

This was the demon that must be related to the case I was running at the moment. 'How am I going to do this, my friends don't know that I'm a hunter.' Just as I was going to get up and dispose of this demon it screamed and burst out in a light show. My friends look shocked, but I can explain it to them later. I quickly put away my angel blade and looked up at the demon's killer.

"Sarah?" The killer asked, his tan trench coat flapping slightly as if it was being blown by the wind, only thing is there was no wind tonight.

I grabbed by angel blade back out. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" I asked, holding my angel blade out of sight.

"You can put the angel blade down, I am not here to hurt you. My name is Castiel, Cas for short. I'm here because I need your help, please." He said in a gravelly, deep voice.

I slowly put the angel blade onto the bar and stand up, the whole bar watching the two of us. "What do you need Cas?" You question.

"Sarah, what the hell are you doing, you can't trust him he just killed someone." I herd Donna's voice from behind me.

"I know what I'm doing Donna. What do you need Cas?" I don't break eye contact with Cas' amazing ocean blue eyes.

"Here is not the best place to discus this." His gravelly voice stats bluntly.

I grab my stuff and walk out of the bar dragging my friends after me. "You coming Cas?"I question. My friends look at me like I'm crazy. He then nodes and follows me.

"Follow me back to my house you three, ok?" It was more of a command than a question. They all nod, getting into Bree's car. I walk over to my own car, unlocking the door and motioning for Cas to get into the passenger seat.

I put my key into the ignition and started to drive towards home.

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