Day 6

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Today was the day.  I was going to do it.  Deep breaths Ella.  Okay.  

Step one:  separate him from his entourage. (easier said than done)

Step two:  tell him quick

Step three: run

I may never know how he reacts, but at least I will have done it.  So I prepared myself for the internal struggle that I knew was to come.

First period, nope.

Second period, nope.

Fourth period, nope.

Sixth period, nope.

It had to be seventh.

The time flew as each math problem appeared on the board, was solved, and came down.  Soon, too soon, it was the end of class.  I took a few deep breaths.  All was not lost.  I walked over to him.  Let's try this again.  Words, don't fail me now.  God?  Help me out please.  Okay, here goes the nothing that will probably determine my future.

"Nero?" He turned.  A flash of recognition, hidden, but there.

"Do I know you?" He feigned dumb.

"We have five classes together?  I've been around for forever?  Ella?  Ring ANY bells whatsoever?"

"Nope."  He gave that sly, devilish smile of his.  An unwanted tingle surged down my spine.  Goodness he was beautiful.  Too bad he would never fall for me.  I took one final deep breath.

"Can I talk to you?"

Sure.  I'm listening."


"Sure.  Fine.  Whatever."  Some of his entourage tried to follow him, but I gave them my famous glare.  It was important.  My glare was so powerful some of them whimpered, and all of them retreated back to the rest.

I pulled him along behind me, heading for the most alone place I could think of. 

We finally reached the place where I spent every afternoon, and most nights.  A little corner in a forgotten room, that only I knew about.  I had already planned to bring him here, so all of my things were safely tucked away, out of sight.  You're probably wondering why I sleep here.  I have to.  Ever since my dad left when I was five, my mom has been a heavy drinker.  One lonely, terrible night, she went out to a bar, and never came back.  I have been running away and hiding from those who want to give me a "family".  I had a family.  I don't need a new one.  Anyway, we finally arrived at a small unused classroom in the very back of the school.  I could immediately tell Nero had NEVER been down this way.  But I had.

I turned him around.

"Nero, I have something to tell you."

"I know. You've said that like six times.  What is so important that you took me away from my entour- my friends, and dragged me... here?"  He shuddered. "This place gives me the creeps.  We aren't supposed to be here."

"So NOW you're worried about the rules."

"I never said I was."  He shrugged, but I could tell he was still uncomfortable.

"SowhatIcametotellyouisthatI'velikedyouforforeverandIthoughtyoumightliketoknow." I giggled nervously.


"I said, I came to tell you is that I've... liked you for forever and I thought you might like to know."  Deep breaths.


"Excuse me?"

"You have to sing for me to tell you."

"And if I don't want you to tell me?"

"You know you do."

"Okay, but what do I sing?"

"Anything." was his reply.

"And?" I said, recognizing the need to say something else.

"You have to keep your eyes closed."

"May I ask why?"


"Okay then.  Give me a second to think."

"Whenever you're ready."

I closed my eyes, a safe dark overcoming me.  I was with Nero, in my 'home.'  All was well.  I sang the words that came into my mind, and I wouldn't be able to tell you what I sang.  They just flowed from my mind to the rest of my body, and then out of my mouth.  I could feel and hear my heart beating.  I sang sweet, soft almost.  Loud enough to hear, but just barely.  The song ended as soon as it had began, and I waited, a trace of a smile on my lips.

"Great acoustics in here."

"I know.  Can I open my eyes yet?"

"Wait..... Yes, now you can."  I opened my eyes, and my surroundings slowly came into focus, pulling me out of the dream world my song had transported me to.


"Let me think."

"Okay.  How long will that take?"

"An hour or so."

"Then please leave."

"Okay.  One problem, I don't know how to get back."

I sighed.  "Follow me." I said glumly.

An hour? Really?

I led him back to the classroom, where he rejoined his entourage and then went to catch his bus.  I waited for a moment, then slowly made my way back to my room.  I pulled my things out of the janitor-like closet, then plopped myself down on my makeshift bed.

Now all I could do was wait.

Nero P.O.V.

I quickly posted the secret video I had took of Ella singing to the most popular social media site I knew.  I quickly got many comments, mostly asking who this person was.

'Oh, that's Ella Fern.' I'd reply.

I was still figuring out how I was going to tell her.

This was going to get good.

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