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I was told that I was needed to help Ava Paige with something. I knew I had to get on Ava's good side to help Willow. I would have killed myself by now if it wasn't for Willow. Willow is the reason I keep going, even if I don't see her as often as I used to.

"I need your help, Gally." Her words had no emotion whatsoever. I stayed silent waiting for her to continue. "This is going to sound brutal, but we have got to do this. I'm going to need your help holding someone down. I really need you to knock them out." Her face was completely serious.


"Don't worry about it. I don't want you to kill them." She let out a breathy laugh. "They are going to fight if we don't knock them out."

"Oh" I nodded my head, trying to understand.

"We are going to be gathering data." She finished. I nodded in response, not sure how to respond. She explained to me that all I would have to do is just hit them upside the head, and lay them onto the table. she never told me who it was, but I wasn't sure I really wanted to know. I was just there to do what I was told. She placed me inside the lab the data collection would be happening. I was hiding behind a small corner waiting for Ava to come in. I could hear the door unlatch from Ava sliding her key card in. The metal door swung open on its hinges.  No words were exchanged between Ava and the victim. I swooped out from my spot and made contact with the head of a girl with chestnut hair. She stumbled backward it to Ava Paige, and a gasp came from her mouth. Unable to see her face I swooped her from her feet and threw her onto the table before she could think what to do. I got my last blow on her head when it was my turn to gasp. Ava walked over, fixing her hair, shook from being bumped into by Willow.

"Everything alright? She didn't claw you did she?" She chuckled at her own sick joke. Not making eye contact with her, I stared at an unconscious Willow. I did that to her. How could you not tell that was Willow?! I screamed at myself.

"Gally?!" She snapped her fingers in front of my eyes to snap me out of my daze.

"She is my best friend." I breathed, finally looking her in the eyes.

"Oh, Gally if I knew I wouldn't hav-" She had no pity in her eyes. I knew her words were empty, not feeling sorry for the actions I was tricked into doing. I could have screamed.

"No no, it's fine really." I had to pretend that I didn't mind. "She will be okay. It's for the better of Wicked, finding a cure." I quickly looked up at her. She gave me a small head nod and a slight smile. With nothing more to say I excused myself. Did Willow see that it was me? If she did will she forgive me?

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