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Logan Gilmore


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Logan p.o.v
I woke up and did my hygiene. I got dressed in my army green dress and slipped on my black huaraches and my black hat.

Y'all already know my name so there's no point in me telling you. I'm 18 years old in the 12th grade. I'm half Barbadian and mixed. My mom is mixed as well but I don't know with what.

I'm originally from D.C but we moved to New York a year ago.

I'm going to some boarding school called millbrook with my little sister Lola.

Yeah I know you're thinking why the hell would my mom send me to boarding school. But Lola is a troubled child, so she wants to send her away until she can learn to be respectful and responsible.

And guess who has to go with to look after her. Yeah me.

But luckily my boy best Alex goes to that school so at least I know one person.

Also luckily, it's the beginning of the year so I don't have to go in the middle with would be awkward.

I went into my walk in closet and sat down at my vanity and did my makeup.

"Gilmoreeee" Alex yelled scaring me.

"Damn it Al, I could've messed up my eyebrows"I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever. I just stopped by to give you good luck for your first day. Did your house get even bigger or is it just me"He said.

"I'll see you at school Alex. Leave now"I said before he left.

I went downstairs and got some breakfast.

"Are all your bags packed?"My mom asked me and Lola. We both nodded our heads before stuffing our face with pancakes.

"Y'all are going to be late so hurry. And Lola, lemme find out you're doing some dumb shit like last year. I already have your funeral planned"She said firmly before we both left and got into the limo.

"This bout to be one hell of a year. I can just tell"Lola said.

"It doesn't have to be. Just don't fuck up this time"I said laughing.

"Yeah that's real funny. But you're forgetting that you're the whole reason why we had to leave D.C"She said scrolling down instagram.

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