~Chapter 23~

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My pencils glide across the paper with ease. I can't mess up any aspect of this. It's the longest I've ever worked on one of my art projects before.

'I want Nicole.' Dick whines.

'Not now, Dick.' I huff and continue to my coloring.

'My name isn't Dick. It's Henry, dingus.' He growls and I ignore his input. I need silence in order to focus and properly finish the drawing. 'We need her.' He continues, and I ignore him. 'Nicoooole.' Fed up, I drop my sketchbook and I decided to give Dick -- Henry -- what he wants. I pull my shoes on and head downstairs. I don't bother to inform Titus I'm going out.

I don't owe him anything right now. He's still guilty, and I can't figure out why. He's been acting different ever since grandma came over and told me the truth. There's no way he can still feel guilty if I found out the truth.

'Finally,' Dick sighs as I walk out the house and head toward the woods.

'I don't even know where she lives.' I explain to him.

He shrugs, 'Let me teach you a trick. It's called following a scent.'

'I don't smell anything.'

He laughs cynically, 'Think about it. The sweet aroma that Nicole has. That's not perfume. It's the mating scent.'

'Mating? Like... sex?' I inhale deeply, and I can faintly smell her. I begin to follow the direction in which it seems to be coming from. It gradually becomes stronger and stronger, and sometimes fainter when I make a wrong turn.

'No... the mating scent is the certain smell a wolf's mate gives off. It changes when she goes into heat.'

'Heat?' I question inhaling deeply again and finding my way around the trees.

'That means she's ready to be marked, or claimed by us. Her scent becomes stronger, and the men around her are also able to smell it, and anyone will try to fuck her at that point.'

I scowl at his wording. No one should put their hands on her. Not even me, unless she wants me to. 'What if she's in heat but doesn't want to... you know? I'm not forcing her to do anything.'

Dick rolls his eyes, 'Tyler, her scent will drive you crazy and her hormones will be off the chart. There's no way she's going to care about keeping her virginity.'

I reach a clearing, and there's a nice neighborhood. It has many houses, but I'm drawn towards one surrounded by Nicole's scent, and her car is in the driveway. 'Never know.' I say, and Dick takes control of my body.

He charges toward the house and everything is speeding by us in a blur. He ignores the fact that our nails are extending into claw-like structures. He sticks them in the tree that is placed beside their driveway and climbs up expertly. I watch in awe. He reaches the 2nd-floor bedroom window with white curtains and pulls open the window. "Daddy's home," he growls and drops inside the darkened room. The smell of our mate's scent drives us both crazy.

There's mumbling behind the door, and Dick heads toward it in ease. I watch as the door opens before he can get to it, and the person locks it immediately upon entering. Dick puts his arms around her and she gasps, "What are you doing here?"

"I missed you," Dick growls into her ear and she shivers.

Her eyes meet ours and she gently rubs our cheek, "Let Tyler in." She requests gently.

"No." He scowls back at her.

She pouts, "please?"

Finally, he gives in and allows me to take control. I blink at her silently, and a small grin forms on her face. "I..I... I'm sorry." I whisper silently.

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