Journey Through the Unknown (Chapter 2)

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                    Walking through the forest, as night begins to fall Atticus cries out "Eliza can we please stop and rest awhile? Please..?" I nod as we both drop our bags on the ground rubbing our aching feet.  I open the picnic basket and take out one of the water canteens and a sandwich. While Atticus is eating the sandwich I sit sipping from the canteen saving as much food as possible for my brother.

As the night sky arises along with the moon and stars, I stay up an gaze upon the beauty of the night watching the moonlight pass through the dark and eerie forest. I look over at my brother and smile a bit to myself as Atticus had drifted to sleep. Quietly I dig through one of my bags and pull out a quilt mother and I had made together and I cover Atticus with it keeping him warm as the night breeze passes by.

In the silent forest I slowly start to drift asleep as I hear a sudden rustle in the tree tops. Quickly I sit up alerted as I get a glimpse of something blue. The blue was a soft welcoming baby blue, as it finally stopped rustling in the trees and gazed down at me as I look back at it gazing at what I had just found, but really I was gazing at what had found me.

Midnight ForestHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin