She comically hugged herself, "Oh Felicity, I just want to hug you and squeeze the life outta ya!"
Elena shrieked softly in laughter while looking back at Felicity through the woods.

She had to be careful though. Her eyes are rather bright and could be seen a mile away.
Elena looked intently at her, then froze. Suddenly, Felicity became looking straight at her!

Felicity bolted from the couch and held the gaze, as well as Elena.
"So it's true...her eyes are really beautiful."gazed Elena before breaking the stare by turning around.

"Am I...really suppose to kill her?"

Elena arised and shrugged, "I'll see her in person tomorrow, the fun is only beginning.."

She then slumped near a tree, vividly closing her eyes, "Just five minutes.."



The reddened area had yet took me by surprise, but I suddenly gotten used to it. The walls were red like I was splattered in a red wallpaper, and it still was pretty cool to float. Thought this place was mind reeling, it was quite enjoyable.

"This place again.."I muttered as I started to float around, still feeling the lightheaded sensation.
I mentally counted to three, then started to feel the tears began to fall like soft rain.

This red area would rarely occur in my dream like reality. It would either signal a warning, or just my mind being plan bored.

This was a warning.

I began to float around, heightening my senses for objects or someone in case. But nothing came around. I grew impatient,
"Does someone want to tell me what I'm doing here?"I yelled aloud, hearing my voice echo.

There was no response at first, then-

"Right behind you."

I quickly spun around to see a young female, who's appearance was seemingly familiar.

The exceedingly young women had long, black hair with a small red clip, parting it nicely, although many pieces were covering her face. Her outfit appeared very familiar, but as dizzy as I was, I couldn't remember. Her age seemed to strike me around 15 or 16, around my age.

"Who are you..?"I asked suspiciously, inching away in defense.

The girl kept her head down, avoiding eye contact, "No one really, just a person who is indeed intrigued by you, the names Elena."

"Elena..? Well what are you doing here then?"I replied.

"I'm not sure, but I guess I came to warn you. Though I can't remember what or who to warn you about.."

"Well that helps a-lot."I said sarcastically, "Anyways, do you know how to escape this place?"

Elena thought for a moment, "No idea, might as well talk to pass time, right?"


Minutes passed and we both ended up immersed in a conversation between ourselves. I was surprisingly finding this Elena girl very cool, and very pretty. I wanted to brush off her bangs to see her eyes, but that would've been probably very rude.

"So Elena, quick question, why are you covering your eyes?"I asked sheepishly, with an ounce of sympathy.

Elena slightly jumped, "I-I think you'll assume I'm abnormal or scary if you look at them.."

I chuckled, which seemed to startle her, "What's so funny?"

I wiped my eyes and took a step closer to her, bringing all my hair back with my hand, "Do you see my eyes? They're purple! I get made fun of because of them..but I still bring them out. It's basically the only thing I like about myself, they're unique!"

Elena slowly looked up, but not enough for me to see her eyes. She as well takes a step closer, our faces inches apart while I felt her hot breath, "Wow..your eyes are very pretty..almost familiar."

I smiled, "May I see yours now?"

She sighed, "I guess."

Elena pulled back her hair and made eye contact with me. Her eyes were gold, tinted yellow. My whole body froze, as her eyes stared back at me, blaring question and intellect.

I took a step back, "Your eyes! I've seen them before!"

Elena cocked her head to the side, "You have..?"

Then, she began to breath rapidly, "O-h no..this is really bad!"

I tried to comfort her by placing my arms on her shoulders, but she roughly brushed them off, "Get away from me! I'll kill you!!"

Elena began to run the opposite direction, in such speed that I couldn't match. It was almost abnormal, like a flash of light.

"W-wait!" I began to say, but suddenly felt an immense drowsiness take over my body. My legs went limp as I suddenly collapsed on the ground, tired.

"D-don't go.."I heard myself say, after the world around me went dark.


Hope you enjoyed!

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