Chapter 7

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Sorry guys, but I'm just gonna skip to the end part and just finish this book already, again I'm sorry.

After the invasion of the sound village, everybody started helping rebuild part of the village and Naruto managed to save the third hokage from death.

'hehe, I did it, I saved oji-san from orochimaru and this time Shukaku didn't attack.' Naruto widely grin.

Then everything started fading away.

'Huh, what the hell is going on.' Was Naruto last thought before he disappeared.

-In hokage office

Naruto woke up from his nap and look around to notice that he was back inside his office.

'Kuruma what's going on how did I get back here.'

'Huh, what are you talking about kit, you've always been here the whole time.'

'Then was it really all just a dream.'

'Don't know, don't care, I'm going to take a nap.'

"You know what, I'm going home early." With that, Naruto stood up and walked out of his office preparing to go home.

-Hokage monument

"Did you think he liked his gift." Ask a red headed lady.

"I'm sure he did." Replied a blonde headed man.

"Well then, lets go back." A man with long white spiky hair stated.

The three then disappear from existence.

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