32. The funeral

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Miley POV

I really hated storming off from Ed like I did, especially because he’s leaving this morning, and I don’t want the last thing we did to be arguing. I didn’t have to go to school today though because of the funeral, so I had some time to make up with Ed.

“Good morning.” I greeted, walking into the kitchen, “Hey, Fran.” I said when I saw her sitting at the table.

“Miley, have you heard?” She said.

“Heard what?” I said, with a mouthful of toast.

“They posted the Radio Disney Music Award nominees last night, and Hannah Montana has been nominated. Isn’t that exciting? They’re in two weeks!” She said excitedly.

“Do you know what isn’t exciting? I won’t be going!”

“Why not?” Ed piped in.

“Oh, I don’t know… I’ll be in England!” I said.

“No you won’t.” Fran said.

“I won’t?”

“You’ll be in California because your brother and his band will be at the awards, and I’m only guessing that you’ll be here with them.”

“So you want me to figure out a way to sneak away and perform without any member of One Direction knowing.” I said.

“That or you could tell them.” Ed said.

“Um no, that’s not going to happen.” I said.

“It was worth a try.” Ed said.

“Are you going?”

“No, I wasn’t nominated.”

“Ugh, can we just not talk about it right now? I already have a lot going on.”

“Agreed.” Ed and Fran said. We finished breakfast.

“Wow! I need to go to the airport now.” Ed said, checking the time.

“Bye, Ed.” I said, and gave him a hug.

“See you later!” Ed said. Fran was driving him so they both left. I decided to start working on my new songs.

“Miley?” Fran said.

“What?” I said.

“We have to leave soon, so you might want to get ready.”

“Oh, I must have lost track of time.” I said. I changed clothes, and ran to meet Fran.

“You ready?”

“Yes.” We got into the car and went to the location of the funeral.


They went through the typical funeral speech, and then they asked if anyone would like to say a few words, and I walked up to the podium.

“If you didn’t already know, I’m Miley; I was his foster daughter up until a few weeks ago. I feel like the best way to express my emotions is through singing, so I wrote a song for him.” I said, and walked over to the piano.

“There's a gold frame that sits by the window. And my heart breaks, a little more each time I try, to picture the memory inside. There's a notebook, it's to hard to read it but if you look, you'd see how you look through my eyes, but now one more chapter's gone by, and I know... It's time to move on; even though I'm not ready. I've got to be strong, and trust where you're heading. Even though It's not easy (not easy), right now the right kind of love... Is the love that let's go, go there's an old dance that we've done forever you give me your hand, but let me decide when to reach you always let me be me but now's my time to take chances and find my own wings and whatever happens I know you'll be there waiting for me it's time to move on, even though I'm not ready I've got to be strong, and trust where I'm heading and even though it's not easy, (it's not easy) I know the right kind of love doesn't wanna miss the future, or stand in the past. It will always hold on; but never hold you back. And even though It's not easy (not easy), right now the right kind of love is love that let's go. It's time I let you with a love that let's go”

I walked off, and took my seat. The rest of the funeral didn’t take long but it was late when we got back. Fran decided to stay with me for as long as I want. I haven’t smiled all day, and I feel so sad. I wish none of this had happened. I went into the movie theater, and I put in Freaky Friday, hoping that I would be able to get my mind off things. I slowly started drifting off, and by the end of the movie I was in a deep sleep.

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