Chapter 45

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*****32 Years Later*****

Alan and I had been married for 50 years. We still lived in the same house. Addison and Asher both married and moved away, Amelia started her own dance company in New York and moved away, Amos lived in Los Angeles with his wife and family. All of our old friends had moved away. Jenna died two years ago from stage four ovarian cancer. Val had been living in Brooklyn since then. Emma and Sasha moved to England. Alan had been in the hospital for the past couple months with mutiple health problems. He had also developed a bad case of Alzheimer's. He could barely remember who I was. He didn't know who Addison, Asher, Amelia, Amos, or any if or ten grandchildren were. He could hardly even remember his own name. I always tried to show him pictures of when we first got together and when we had the kids. He liked to look at pictures from our wedding, He always ask who the girl in white standing on the alter was, It pained me that he didn't know it was me. I knew he couldn't help it, but I just wished that I could have one more conversation with the man I fell in love with all those years ago. I knew the end was nearing.

"Mrs. Bersten?" Alan's doctor, Doctor Richards said. "His kidneys are starting to fail, His liver and lungs are almost there too. He can't remember a thing. I-Im so sorry, but you're going to have to make a decision".

"I know" I say and grab his hand. He was getting to where he could barely talk either. But he was awake and he held my hand tightly. "I-I just think I need some more time with him".

"I understand" Doctor Richards says.

"He...He keeps talking about the woman in white when I show him our wedding pictures" I say.

"I'm so sorry you have to make this decision alone" He says.

"When do you need an answer?".

"I'll be back in a few minutes" He says before exiting the room. I look down at Alan and smile with tears in my eyes.

"Baby? Do you want to see the pictures again?". He nods his head. I showed him the one if us kissing on our wedding day. "Do you know...who is in this picture?".

"M-Me" He answers.

"Yeah" I smile. "That's you".

"M-My...Wife" He grabs my hand and squeezes tightly.

"I-Im your wife. I have been for fifty years".

"B-Babe, I-I don't...remember much, but I remembered...something".

"What did you remember?".

"I remembered...When we met". He says. "I remember that I-I knew you were the one".

"You always told me I was your one. You always told me that you'd love me forever".

"I-I do love you. Forever...and...Always".

"I love you too" I say sniffling.

"A long time ago...I told you that I-I would spend my entire life...trying to make you ad happy as you made me" He says.

"You did tell me that" I say.

"Did I?" He asks. "Did I make you happy?". I smile.

"You made me the happiest person in the world. You've always made the happiest person in the world" I say.

"I-I know that lungs...kidneys...and liver are all failing" He slurs. "But, Danielle Nicole, One thing...that will never my love for you". Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I love you, Alan Bersten".

"I love you, Danielle Bersten".

"Do you remember our song?" He asks.

"Do You?".

" the soul...and you know how to use it. Put your hand...on my hip cause you know that I lose it. You've heart racin like there's nothing to it..." He sings.

"Falling in love to the beat of the music" I finish.

"Falling in love to the beat of the music" He repeats. Doctor Richards walks back in.

"Mrs. Bersten?". I nod my head. He knew that meant to start unplugging the machines.

"This is the last time I'll see you until you get to heaven with me" Alan says.

"Baby, You go. You don't worry about me. I promise I'm going to be fine" I say.

"Liar" He says. "You always lied about being okay" He manged to show a small smile. I smiled back because he was right.

"You're right".

"Dani, We had 50 amazing years together that I wouldn't change for the world. You were perfect thought it all. All my mistakes and everything else, You were perfect and you didn't leave. You probably wanted too but you didn't because you loved me more than I loved myself. You're still my best friend, You're still the love of my life, You're still my soul mate and you're always going to be. I love you with all my heart, all my soul, all my being and promise me that you will never forget it" He says. We were both sobbing. I leaved down and kissed his soft lips for one last time.

"You're always going to be the boy that was dancing away with my heart" I say.

"Dani, I...I need...One Last Dance...with you" He says. He struggled to get it out. Before I could say anything back to him. There was a flatline.

"Were going to have that one last dance" I say. My chin was quivering faster than it ever had. "I promise. I'm going to see you soon, You be waiting at heavens gates for me, Okay? don't leave me behind. I love you". I rested my head on his. Tears streamed down my cheeks. All the memories flashed back in my head. All the way back to the very first time I saw Alan stain beside his car in black basketball shorts and no shirt. I said his smile could light up the world in a power outage and I still believed that. I could barely speak after that, All I could do was sob and hold my husband's hand in mine. "One Last Dance, Babe, You're my one last dance. Nobody knew that this is where we would end up".

A/N: that's a wrap. nobody knew where they would end up, but everyone knew that Alan was Danielle's one last dance. i cried so hard writing this chapter. i feel like im losing a part of me with ending this story, it has been my life for so long and this story will always hold a special place in my heart! thank you so much to everyone that has read this and enjoyed this book. your comments mean the world to me. please comment below and let me know what you think of the ending! once again, i love to guys!

One Last Dance (Sequel To DAWMH) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें