Chapter 23

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It was February 28th. We were in Orlando, Florida. Today we had a day off because it was a very special day. Today was Hannah and Michael's seventeenth birthday. They didn't ask for a big party or anything. They just wanted a small pool party at our hotel with just the people on the tour. Emma and Sasha rented out the entire indoor pool of our hotel just for them. They also rented a karaoke machine and hired a photographer to take pictures. Alan and I were up in our room trying to find birthday pictures to post for them. Addison had posted a picture of Her, Asher, Hannah, and Michael from when they were toddlers. They had all been raised like brothers and sisters.

"happy 17th birthday to my two best friends since...well birth @hannahfarber @michaelfarber. i don't know what id do without you two in my life, you've been with me through ups and downs and smiles and laughs. i love you guys so much!". Addison's caption warmed my heart.

"You know Babe, Hannah and Michael are seventeen now and in a few months Amelia and Jordan will be sixteen and Addie and Ash will be adults" Alan says.

"Oh No, My babies will not be adults" I say.

"You realize that when you were eighteen, you were getting married" He says.

"That was me, Not Addison or Asher" I say. "They will not be getting married at eighteen years old".

"Mama Bear" Alan says.

"That's me" I say. I continued to scroll through my camera roll until I found a picture of my holding Hannah and Michael the day they were born. I had to post it.

"seventeen years ago today i met these two precious twins. Happy Birthday to my favorite little brit and aussie". I captioned the picture.

"What time does the party start?" Alan asks.

"Two" I say.

"You better go change in that bikini then" Alan says with a smirk on his face. I wanted to mess with him.

"Okay" I say and take my shirt off. I had nothing underneath. "I'll put that bikini on". I found my jet black bikini top.

"Well, You don't have to now" He says.

"I thought you'd say that" I say. "Can you tie this?" I ask. He ties the tiny strings together and I put on the bottoms. "You better be putting on this swimming trunks too".

"Gladly" He says and starts to strip.

"Don't let me stop you" I say and walk directly out the door leaving it wide open. I saw Jenna walking towards us. She was in for a treat when she walked past our door.

"Alan! Close the door!" I hear yell from down the hall. I just smiled and walked on to the elevator. I walked downstairs and into the party room.

"Happy Birthday!" I say as I see Hannah and Michael and hug them both.

"Thanks" They say in unison. Jenna walks in.

"Your husband's naked up there" She says. I walk over to her.

"Maybe I should go up there with him and get naked" I joke.

"Mom!" Addison, Asher, and Amelia exclaim.

"You all never heard about the time I caught your mother and father having-".

"Jenna!" I exclaim.

"Oh, Please tell us, That's hilarious" Hannah says. She was just like Sasha so of course she wanted to hear the story. Jenna gladly told them.

"I was walking down stairs to see Dani and when I opened the door there was a loud moan and both of them were naked on the couch" She says. That was an awful experience I still remember to this day.

"Why do you all want to know these stories?" Val asks walking over to us.

"They're funny" Hannah says.

"There was another time she caught us in the hot tub" I say.

"The hot tub that we get in?!" Addison says.

"Uh, No Comment" I say smiling remembering all those times. I missed when we were younger.

"I've always caught them for some reason" Jenna says.

"Yeah, and Dani has never caught us" Val says. "Not even when it happened in her house".

"What?!" I exclaim. "You have sex in my house?!".

"No, I'm kidding" Val says.

"Thank god" I say.


We had all been swimming for a while. Alan and I were sitting in the hot tub alone while everyone else was in the pool across from us. He pulled me close to him.

"I love you" He whispers in my ear.

"Oh Really?" I ask. I feel his nose against my cheek.

"I do" He whispers again.

"Prove it" I say turning my head to face him. His lips met mine. A few seconds he pulls away.

"Do you believe me now? He asks.

"Nope, I need a little more convincing" I say. He kisses me again. This time I feel his tongue graze mine. I was glad nobody was paying attention to us.

"How about now?" He asks.

"Now I believe you" I say. He grins. "I love you too".

"That's good to know" He says and kisses my cheek. God I was so I'm love with him.


After the party, All the kids went up to their rooms and had there own fun with no parents. Emma and Sasha went out to see a movie,  Val and Jenna went out baby shopping, and Alan and I stayed at the hotel. We were lying in bed watching Titanic. It was at the part where Rose was going to jump off the front of the boat but Jack stopped her.

"If I was going to jump in that water, Would you jump in after me?" I ask. My head was on his chest.

"Of course I would" He says.

"But that water is freezing" I say.

"It doesn't matter" He says. "Like Jack says 'You Jump, I Jump'. I don't care how cold it is, I'd come in there after you".


"I'd swim all the oceans, I'd climb the highest mountains, I'd do anything for the woman I love" He says.

"I'd do anything for the man I love" I say.

"I love you so much Danielle, More than you could ever imagine" He says.

"I'm so lucky to have you" I say. "I wouldn't want to have anyone else" . I kiss his cheek and nuzzle my head into his neck. Every time I was with Alan I felt like the luckiest woman in the world. He made me feel special. He made me feel perfect. He made me complete.

A/N: Something big is coming up in the next chapter. QUESTION: What do you think is going to be the big thing that happens? PLEASE comment below what you think it's going to be! ❤ Love Yall!

One Last Dance (Sequel To DAWMH) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ