Chapter 38

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A month had passed. Camilla was now one month old. Alan and I had everything prepared for our baby, who was due next month. Tonight, Val and Jenna were going out on their first date since Camilla was born. She asked Alan and I to watch her, I agreed too.

"If she gets fussy just call me" Jenna says. Her and Val were getting ready to leave and Camilla was in my arms.

"I'm not calling you" I say.


"If she gets fussy, I'll take care of it. You do know that I'm a mother too' right?". I say.

"Dani, Do not call" Val says trying to pull Jenna into his car.

"I wont" I say.

"Okay, Well, If she-".

"I'm not calling you, Im not listening to you. I'll take care of her" I say. "Go have fun with your man".

"Okay" She says and finally gets in the car with Val. After they leave, Alan and I walk inside with the baby. All the older kids went out with Emma and Sasha, and Yasmin went to see Vic in New York. She was thinking of moving out there with him and quitting the show.

"She's such a mama bear" Alan says. We were walking up the steps into what was going to me our new baby's nursery once it was born, but for now it's where we put Camilla when Jenna and Val came over.

"She definitely is" I say. We both sat in the floor and put Camilla beside us on a blanket.

"Are you going to call her any?" He asks.

"Not once" I answer.

"Good" He says. "They deserve time to relax".

"Was I ever like that after Amelia was born?" I ask.

"Yeah, Kind of" He answered. "You never wanted to leave, but after you did leave you were happy and not worried".

"I never want to leave this baby" I say and put my hands on my stomach. I was eight months along and always had to pee.

"Why are you so attached to this one?" He asks. "I know you love all the kids, but you seem especially attached to the unborn one".

"I don't know. I guess because I was young when we had the others and now that I'm getting older I see how precious it all is".

"Seeing the way you reacted over Jenna having Camilla was amazing" He says and let's Camilla wrap her finger around his pinky. I couldn't pass up that picture.

"Now you're Camilla's best friend" I say. It was true, Alan was the only other person, aside from Jenna, that could get her quiet when she was fussy and didn't feel good, not even Val could make her stop crying.

"She's pretty cute" He says and smiles down at her. I could tell he couldn't wait to hold a new little one of our own.

"Let's let her take a nap" I say and stuff left to stand up.

"Let me help you, Babe" He says and takes my hands to pull me up. He lifts Camilla off the ground and sits in the rocking chair with her in his arms. "Go on downstairs and I'll be down when she's alseep". I walked downstairs and turned on the TV. I was rally paying attention to what was on, I was scrolling through instgram on my phone. Suddenly, My phone rang and it was Jenna.

Danielle: Hello?

Jenna: Is she okay?

Danielle: You realize you left 30 minutes ago, right?

Jenna: I can't help it, I'm worried about her.

Danielle: Jenna, She's fine. I promise you that.

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