Chapter 8

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I dropped my phone on the ground and sat frozen in time. Tears began to roll down my cheeks.

"Dani?" Jenna asks. "Dani!". She began shaking me. Yasmine picked up my phone and got on it. After she asked Pastor Ted what happened, She hung up.

"Addison, Go tell the driver we need to pull over" She says calmly.


"Now! Addison!" She yelled. After Addison left she shut the door to the lounge and locked it.

"What happened?" Jenna asks.

"Her parents were in a fatal car accident on the way home from the theatre tonight" She says. "They...Didn't make it".

"My parents are gone" I say and break down bawling. Yasmin left to tell Emma.

"Dani, I'm so sorry" Jenna says. My head was in her lap and her hand was on my back. I could hear more sniffling and crying coming from the front telling me that Addison and Amelia knew what happened.

"I-I just saw them a few hours ago" I sob.

"I know" She says. I could tell she was fighting back tears too. My parents had become her second parents, They thought of her as another daughter.

"Jenna, Please don't leave me right now" I manage to say in between sobs.

"I-I won't, I'm always going to be right here" She says. I knew she was crying now because of how shaky her voice was.

***Alan's POV***

After I heard the news about Dani's parents, I instantly went to the bathroom and cried. I knew we were going to be pulling over to decide what to do. Thankfully, Her parents already had arrangements made for themselves incase something happened that Pastor Ted knew about so I knew he would take care of all that. I went back to the lounge and told Sasha, Michael and Jordan what had happened. When I told Asher he immediately started to bawl. He was emotional, A quality both Addison and Asher got from Jenna. I hugged him tightly and cried with him. All the boys crowded around us.

After pulling over at a rest stop, everyone ran outside to meet each other. Addison and Asher ran right to each other, and Jordan went straight to Amelia. Emma, Sasha, Hannah, Michael, and Yasmin were all standing against the bus watching the kids and wiping away their own tears. I ran straight into the bus to Dani.

"Dani!" I called out.

"Back here" I hear Jenna's voice. I walk back to the lounge and see Dani fast asleep on Jenna's lap.

"Dani" I say and fall to my knees. She had streaks of black mascara on her cheeks and her hair was stuck to her cheeks. I could also see wet marks of black tears on Jenna's white leggings.

"I wouldn't wake her, She was so upset" Jenna says.

"Is she.."

"No, She's not okay at all. She sobbed here for 20 minutes and just fell asleep" She explains.

"Were heading back to Louisville" I say. We needed to be there for the funeral. I was going to call all our friends back in LA so they could be there for Danielle.

"Okay" She says.

"You good here?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll take care of her" She says. I kiss Dani's head before leaving. I told the driver to go back to Kentucky. We all got back to our buses then headed back to Kentucky.

***Jenna's POV***

Dani had been on my lap for two hours. I didn't budge, I new she  needed rest. Addison and Amelia cried themselves to sleep too. Emma and Yasmin sat in the front with Hannah telling her stories of Danielle's parents. We all thought of them as our second parents, Especially me. All the children even called them grandma and grandpa. We had just arrived in Elizabethtown when Dani woke up.

"How long was I out?" She asked raising up wiping her eyes.

"Since before we even got turned around to head back here" She answers.

"Where are we?"

"Elizabethtown" I answered again. "About one more hour until we get there".

"How are Addie and Amelia?" She asked.

"They were asleep, but they might be awake now" I answer.

"I better go check on them" She says and stands up.

"Hey, What about you, Are you okay?" I ask. Catching her hand in mine.

"Yeah, I am for now" She answered.

"I'm here when you need me" I say.

"I know" She says and squeezes my hand before walking out of the lounge.

***Danielle's POV***

I looked in Addison's bunk and saw that she was still sleeping. I walked to the front of the bus. Hannah and Amelia were sitting on one couch and Emma and Yasmin were on the one across from them.

"Hey, You okay?" Emma asks when she noticed me.

"Yeah" I say and sit next in between Hannah and Amelia. Amelia put her head on my shoulder.

"Yasmin and Emma were telling us stories about grandma and grandpa" Amelia says.

"What were they telling?" I asked.

"Mum said that one time when you all were down here when we were little, She and Dad were having trouble putting me to bed so Grandma Kate sat up with me the entire night so Mum and Dad could get some sleep" Hannah says. I thought it was so cute that all the kids called my pants their grandparents.

"She did that many times" I say.

"Yasmin said that one time you didn't go to a dance class and she went to your house and Grandpa said you were sick and couldn't come out to play or do anything so he went outside and played with her so she wasn't lonely" Amelia said.

"He always loved Yasmin" I said. Jenna walked in and sat on the opposite couch with the other two girls. "You know who Grandma really loved?".

"Who?" Amelia and Hannah asked.

"Me" Jenna answered for me.

"She thought of Jenna as a second daughter" Emma says.

"No, She thought of all of you as her daughters because you all are my best friends" I say.

"Han, That's why You, Michael, and Jordan all called then your grandparents" Yasmin says.

"Because we always saw Kate and Steven more than our own parents" Jenna says.

"Jenna, Do you have any stories of them?" Amelia asks.

"One day they came up to LA to see us on Dancing With The Stars for the finale. It was the first time we were all competing on the show for the mirror ball and Danielle and I were the final two professionals and right before they announced the winner Kate held up and sign that said 'Danielle Bersten Deserves The Mirror Ball!' and when Steven saw her holding that sign he stood up and ripped off the flannel shirt he had on exposing a plain white T-shirt underneath that said 'Team Jenna!' and knocked down her sign. That was the first season I won and he ran past security guards on the stage to lift me up himself instead of one of the boys. I'll never forget that." Jenna says. I laughed because I remembered it vividly.

We sat for another hour talking about more memories of both of my parents. Reliving all those moments was good for me. It was good remembering all the crazy and loving things they did. My parents were the best people I had ever known and I couldn't believe that this had happened. I had just seen then an hour prior to the accident and now they were both gone. I didn't know how I was going to make it through the next couple of days with the Visitation and The Funeral. I knew I was going to need my friends and my family more than anything. The fans had been so supportive too. They were sending me sweet messages and said not to worry about having to postpone the tour because I needed to worry about myself right now. I was so thankful for them and everyone else in my life. I couldn't have made it here without my Momma and Daddy.

A/N: So, The next few chapters are going to be very emotional so I apologize up front if anyone sheds some tears. As always comment below what you thought of this chapter!! ❤

One Last Dance (Sequel To DAWMH) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora