Playboy - Bucky Barnes

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"Geez, Buck. You gonna stare all night?"

Bucky looked to his friend on his left, suddenly snapped out of the trance he was in. 

They were young, just nearing 17, and the dance hall was in full swing. Usually Bucky loved dancing, but he hadn't stepped foot on the floor yet that night. Not for lack of women asking, that was for sure.

"No, and I was not staring, Steve." Bucky crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair.

"What's got you so stuck up on her anyway?" Steve took a sip of his soda, his eyes trailing your (f/c) dress as you were swung around the floor by your current dance partner.

"'Cause I just don't get her, that's why. She's all flirt in school, touchin' my arm and laughin' and smilin' an' all. But if I ask her to dance, all she says is 'next time'."

"So dance with somebody else."

"I don't wanna dance with somebody else." Bucky grumbled, borderline of whining to his best friend.

Steve finished his pop with a loud slurp, and headed to the bar to grab another as the song ended, leaving a brooding Bucky at a high top table.

You spun into the seat next to Steve, giggling as your previous partner seemed to have an affinity for corkscrew drops. "Oh, hey Stevie!"

"Hey (y/n). I see you have no shortage of dance partners." Steve spied the multiple guys around the room who seemed to want to sweep you off for the next dance.

"Yeah." Your smile seemed to falter for a moment.

"Just not the partner you want, huh?" Steve smiled knowingly.

You huff, leaning your elbow on the bar and setting your head on your closed fist.

"I thought I was pretty obvious, don't you? He just always asks me to dance right when I'm going off with someone else! What does he expect, that I'll just drop someone and run to him?"

"You have had a lot of guys after you." Steve mentions nonchalantly.

"That's only because I finally convinced my mother to let me start pinning my hair overnight. Remember how pin-straight it was? And so flat." You shake your head, looking over to where Bucky was seated across the room.

"Sure, that's why." Steve rolls his eyes as you continue on, ignoring his sarcasm.

"And see, Steve, then he goes and does somethin' awful like that. Near tears my heart in two, I'll have you know."

Bucky had himself a woman on each arm, each with perfectly curled hair and (in your opinion) a much better figure. It really did hurt your heart to see him like that, with all the girls. He was handsome and charismatic and funny. It was hard not to fall for him once he turned on his charm, everybody knew that. You knew better than anyone.

"He doesn't mean that, (y/--" You cut Steve off decisively.

"You tell that ass that if he wants to dance with me, he's going to need his arms. So he better not hand them off to tramps like them every chance he gets. And make sure you call him an ass." You turn back towards the bar, ordering yourself a water as Steve made his way over to his best friend.

You drank the cool liquid thankfully, suddenly feeling someone sidle up next to you. At first, you were giddy that Bucky might have actually come to his senses. But no, something was wrong. Bucky held himself differently, he breathed differently.

"Say doll, how 'bout a spin on the floor?" Ah, it was Paul. Typical school jock whose only goal is to get a hot wife and his daddy's company when he retires.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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