A rumor in St. Petersburg

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   200 years go by, in the town St. Petersburg it was slow, and cold.

   In a factory a man walked forward, holding cloth, singing.

   "St. Petersburg is gloomy!"

   Women weaved some cloth, singing as well.

   "St. Petersburg is bleak!"

   "My undergarments got frozen standing here all week!" A man sang, shivering a bit from the cold.

   More people in the factory began to sing. "Oh, since the revolution our lives have been so gray! Thank goodness for the gossip that gets us through the day! Hey!"

   Out in the town, more people sang. "Have you heard, there's a rumor in St. Petersburg? Have you heard what they're on the streets?"

   A woman in a black rob walked past many of the singing people, looking at the newspaper a man held.

   "Although the Czar did not survive, one may be still alive!" The man sang.

   "The prince Inuyasha!" People sang.

   "But please do not repeat!" The man sang.

   The woman took a newspaper paper, walking away.

   "It's a rumor, a legend, a mystery! Something whispered in an alleyway, or a crack!"

   The woman rushed passed the singing people, going to a building. Whispering something, the door opening. She rushed in, smiling.

   "It's a rumor, that's part of our history!" People sang.

   A gypsy lady lifted up a crystal ball, waving her hands above it. "They say his royal older brother will pay a royal sum." She sang.

   "To someone who can bring the prince back!" Other people sang.

   The woman ran up snowy stairs, looking around.

   Another woman leaned against a pillar, smiling once she saw the other woman.

   "In." The woman walked over to In.

   In turned her head to the woman. "Ai."

   Both of them started chattering a bit, walking forward together.

   "A ruble for this painting!" A man sang, holding a painting of the Czar.

   "Count Yusopov's pajamas! Comrade, buy the pair!" A woman sang.

   "I got this from the palace, it's lined with real fur!" A man sang, holding up a fur coat.

   In and Ai looked at it, smiling.

   "It could be worth a fortune, if it belonged to him!" They sang.

   Ai tossed up a coin, walking. The coat in her arms, going behind a curtain.

   In followed Ai behind a curtain. "Well, Ai, I got us a theater."

   Ai smiled, putting on a hat. "Everything is going as planned, all we need is the boy." Ai smiled, going up wooden stairs, In following her. "Just think In, no more forging papers, no more stolen goods, we'll have three tickets out of here. One for you, one for me, and one for the prince Inuyasha!" Ai smiled, walking into a room.

   "It's a rumor, the legend, the mystery! It's the prince Inuyasha who will help us fly! You and I friend will go down in history!" Ai sang, smiling, walking over a table, grabbing somethings. "We'll find a boy to play the part and teach him what to say, dress him up and take him to Paris!" Ai sang, grabbing a music box, smiling. Putting it into her side bag she had. "Imagine the reward his dear brother will pay! Who else could pull it off, but you and me?" Ai sang, going to a balcony, standing on a small balcony.

   "We'll be rich!" Ai sang, smiling.

   "We'll be rich!" In sang, behind Ai.

   "We'll be out!" Ai sang.

   "We'll be out!" In got on the small balcony as well.

   "And St. Petersburg will have some more to talk about!" Ai and In both sang, jumping off the balcony, sliding down a snowy roof of a house.

   "Shh! Have you heard, there's a rumor in St. Petersburg? Have you heard what they're saying on the street? Hey!" People sang in the middle of the town, people beginning to chatter. "Hey!" People sang again, people still chattering.

   Ai and In walked down snowy stairs, walking past the singing people.

   "Hey! Have you heard, there's a rumor in St. Petersburg? Have you heard comrade, what do you suppose?" People sang.

   Ai and In rushed to a trolley, getting on.

   "A fascinating mystery!" People sang.

   "The biggest con in history!" Ai sang, leaning out of the trolley, smiling.

   "The prince Inuyasha, alive or dead!?" Everyone sang.

   "Who know? Shh!" A man said, pigeons flying away from the building.

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