"Im bored, I wanted to spend the day with Jamie but he's pissed off and is on his own adventure. I mean seriously whats the point in even coming out here if he doesn't want to spend time with me and don't even get me started on him not saying he loves me back." I ramble on and on and I finally shut my gob up. Even i was sick of hearing my voice.

"Hunny, it takes time and patience. You need to take things slow and let feelings develop and let yourself be taken down the path. You need to stop overthinking the tiniest of things and then making a big fuss out of them with Jamie. That will only push him away. You want to bring him closer" I sit up properly and look at my mum. Jamie and I are already close. I know so much about him and he knows everything about me.

"Mum we have a good friendship and relationship. He knows me and I know him. He knows what Im like, im not the only one who can be petty. He can be too, I just wish he wanted to spend time with me. Its lovely to have him here but it seems a waste when he isnt even with me." I mutter. I am being a little selfish but I do just want to cuddle up in his arms and talk all night long about life and our future together. Yeah Im being overdramatic and petty. I sigh and shake my head at My Mum. She grins at me. Once again she is right. Shes always right.

"Hes a keeper, he makes you very happy and I will have to thank him for that. This morning you seemed so happy and more you." she smiles. I laugh to myself. The image of me naked and my mums face comes to mind. Realising your daughter isnt innocent is definitely something a parent doesn't want to come across.

"Sorry about that" I chuckle "it got warm under those sheets last night" I blatantly lie and she is quick to throw a pillow at me.

"I wasnt born yesterday Dakota. Aslong as you are safe and being careful then its all good." She grins again and goes back to her tv show.

Jamies POV
It looks perfect, its dark and all I need now is my girl. Melanie is dropping her off. I look around again and smile to myself. I did good.

I hear a car engine and I make my way up the hill. Melanie flashes the headlights and I jog over.

"Thanks for dropping her off!" I grin and she smiles at me.

"My pleasure handsome. Be good!" She winks and I can't help but laugh. Im always good. I open the passenger door and help Dakota out. Shes blindfolded.

"What is this Jamie? I have been blindfolded the whole way here! We aren't filming anymore you know, We are Dakota and Jamie not Ana and Christian." Melanie reverses back and beeps. I hold my hand up to let her know I acknowledged. Dakota stands helpless infront of me. I kneel and throw her over my shoulder.

"Im well aware of who I am but thankyou for that kind reminder. " I swat her bum once and walk down the little hill that leads us onto the beach. I get to the area and with my foot manage to press the on button on the little radio.  Ed Sheerans 'Thinking out Loud' starts to play and I let Dakota slide onto her feet.

"Give me a second." I lean down and light the last few candles. It looks beautiful. I look at her and untie the scarf. I stuff it into my back pocket.

"Why did yo-" Dakota stops, looks at me and then looks around.

"Jamie, this is beautiful. You've done this just for me?" I watch as she kneels down and takes in her surroundings.

"Yes, its all for you" I whisper.

She looks at the hearts and smiles

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She looks at the hearts and smiles. I hold my hand out and she takes it. She stands and we both carefully go into the middle where I have laid out a blanket with some cushions and a picnic basket full of food.

"Its beautiful, I love it." We both sit down I move the basket away so we can lie back. She immediately rests her head on my chest and we both look up at the stars.

"I love you too by the way, I wanted it to be special when I said it and I think this is pretty special" I whisper. She sits up and looks at me. She leans down and both her hands find the side of my cheeks. She kisses me softly and I kiss back. A soft and loving kiss.

"Jamie this is perfect. Its so beautiful" she relaxes her head back onto my chest and I continue to look at the stars.

"I want you to know that I do appreciate you and love you. You make me smile and feel so at ease. I can be myself around you. I honestly have no idea how you manage to put up with me but you do and you need a medal for just that. I really do Love you Dakota, i know i dont show it very often but im a man, us guys find it hard sometimes. I want to spend the rest of my life with you honestly. Me, you, the girls and kids of our own." I breathe and feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

"Jamie, i love you all. You all mean the world to me. Im just scared ill lose you, scared you'll fall for somebody else. Its happened before evidently" I frown at her words. I stroke the top of her arm.

"I love you so much and its weird for me to have all of these feelings. You're the first person I have ever truly loved. That is the truth" she finishes and kisses my chest and I move my hand up to play with her hair.

"You're my forever. I mean that and one day I will prove it." Those words leave my mouth. Yes Dakota. One day I will make you my wife.

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