Part 1: Inheritance

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry potter. That belongs to the lovely J.K Rowling. This plot is mine, though. Also, the image for this chapter, I found on the internet and belongs to it's original creator. Pic is of Harry after his inheritance. Cheers~

Harry's POV:

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

Harry glanced at his old clock. It was oddly loud in the stillness of the Dursley house. Just a few more moments and it would be his birthday. Not that there was any point in celebrating it. The Dursley's certainly wouldn't. Most days, they just pretended he didn't exist. Left him locked in his room. No food. No water. He dared not complain, however. That would only get him punished. Harry didn't think he could handle that at the moment, weak from hunger as he was.

His clock chimed softly. Announcing quietly that he was another year older. He smiled sadly. So he had survived another year.

"Happy birthday, me." He whispered before burning pain enveloped his body. It was horrible. More painful than the basilisk venom from his second year. The pain didn't ebb either. In fact, it intensified.

Still, Harry didn't cry out. The last thing he wanted was for his uncle to wake up. He had learned years ago to suffer in silence. Crying out only got you hurt worse. His back arched on the bed and Harry gritted his teeth. His fingers grasp at the sheets in an attempt to center himself. Heels dug into the mattress. Sweat broke out over his brow to trickle down his face. The agony didn't let up. It seemed to go on and on. Burning. Smoldering. Setting his very blood ablaze. Agony.

Then it stopped, leaving Harry gasping on his mattress. What just happened? He didn't get time to ponder, however.

A knocking at his window made him jump. Harry glanced that way to find an unfamiliar owl. It tapped again impatiently. He hurried to open the window for it.

"Sorry, I haven't any treats for you..." Harry murmured, eyeing the letter. The owl took off, gliding into the night on silent wings. The envelope was of a thick, creamy paper. Flipping it over, he could clearly see the Gringotts seal.

What could they want? Harry wondered, breaking the seal and pulling the letter out. The letter trembled slightly, shivers still wracking his body from remembered pain.

Dear Mr. Potter,

Felicitations on your coming of age. As you are of legal age in the wizarding world, Gringotts wishes to inform you of your updated account status' and holdings. Please visit us at your earliest possible convenience.

Furthermore, as you have undergone a creature inheritance, we are required inform you of the particularities of such a transformation. Understand that this is usually left up to the wizarding family in question, but we have been informed that you have no such family with which to glean these understandings. Therefore, this information with be explained to you, in detail, upon your visit.

May your gold prosper and your weapons stay sharp,


Potter Vault Manager at Gringotts Wizarding Bank

P.S. The letter is a portkey should you choose to use it. The password is galleon.

Coming of age? Creature inheritance? Harry thought. He wasn't of age in the wizarding world until 20 according to Dumbledore, not 17. And what was a creature inheritance? No one had mentioned this to him, but the goblins didn't lie. They may openly sneer and despise wizards for the disrespect wizards showed them, but they didn't lie. Ever. Following that logic, he was an adult and fully sanctioned to use magic outside of school. Right?

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