party plans

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We both look at each other and smile for a while not even knowing what to say.

Him with his dreamy eyes was all I could think about . Starring ,not having the ability to look away.

He stepped closer to me causing me to flinch a little.As he approached,not even six inches away he grabbed my hand and I looked at him leaning down to kiss it and his eyes were still locked with mine. I felt like he was trying his hardest to make me nervous.

He looked up and pulled me into the other room with everyone else. Oh boy. I was so nervous. I saw Alexis and Ethan walk out and she looked really nervous. OoOoOoOo!
Her hair was a mess. I wonder what her and Ethan were doing. Speaking of Alexis her birthdays coming up soon.

...FUCK!! her birthday!!!what the hell am I gonna get her!? Its in two days!

I'll figure something out later.

Ethan and Alexis go to the computer to edit the video. Wait. Alexis doesn't edit very much. I'm usually the one to help her edit. Oh well,Ethan'll teach her.

I grab Tyler aside for a moment. "Tyler! I need to get Alexis something for her birthday! Its in two days!"

"Um...(looks around the corner to see if anyone is looking) I'll take you to get her something. And I'll grab her a little something too." He agreed.

"What are we gonna tell the others?" I asked.

"Uhm. I'll figure something out."

We walked back into the room and walked up to Mark.

"Me and Catt are gonna go ....out." Tyler lied.

"OoOoOoOo. Where to?" Mark obnoxiously questioned.

"Duhm...a nice restaurant in town." Tyler stalled.

"Oh...well,you two have fun!" He waved bye.

I grabbed Tyler's hand. "Phew!that was a close one." I exhaled.

"Tell me about it." He said as he opened the car door.

"So what store are we going to?" I asked as we exited the driveway.

"We'll just go to the mall. They have a lot of cool stuff there." He grinned at me.

"Okay." I giggled and looked down at my feet.

15 minutes later...

We pulled up to the mall. Then Tyler said "let's go have some fun."

"What?!" I asked confused.

"Oh nothing." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes as he opened the car door for me.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

I grabbed his hand and he walked me to the door.

"Let's go find something for Alexis." Tyler guided me.

"I think we should go to the games." I smiled.

"Ha!yeah, I agree."

We walked over to the games section and found some pretty neat games. I saw Call Of Duty and knew I had to get it for her.

"What should I get for her?" Tyler asked curiously.

Uuuhhh... Oh!

I gripped his wrist and took him to the game merch.

I quickly went through shirts and Came across a GTA5 shirt.

"How bout' this?" I asked showing him the shirt.

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