Chapter 25

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"Hello everybody and welcome to this whole school assembly. Today we have four very special guests. The first one is the predecessor to our president, it's Mary McAleese. The next is her successor Michael D Higgins. The last two special guests are a married couple who are here to talk to you about married life, no I'm messing, it's Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. Please give them a huge round of applause."
Everybody in the building clapped. There was  also a few wise cracks who shouted 'Up Trump', but Barack and Michelle didn't mind. Michelle stepped forward to the mic.
"Hi everybody. We are gathered here for three reasons. The first, is to confirm to you that Jack Abraham was in fact shot dead on the bus to school yesterday. I'd like to stress that there are guidance counsellors in the school, so, if you feel in need of help please do consult them. The second thing is to honour the hero who prevent more deaths on that bus, the third is to induct two people as leaders into a brand new task force. So since I've confirmed the news of poor jack, it's on to  honouring the hero who stopped the killer. Please welcome on to the stage, your fellow student, James Conroy."
James stepped on to the stage and was amazed by the cheers from the students of his school.barack Obama and Michelle Obama gave him a medal, and a pin. Barack spoke next.
"James Conroy, I herby you present to you, the medal of honour, and the child hero pin. Congratulations on saving all the people on that bus from the killer. Well done."
"Thank you sir."
Michael D Higgins stepped forward to the mic.
"As president of this fine country, I have created a special armed task force, for taking down killers, such as the one that took your fellow student from you. I am hear today to induct into this task force, it's new leaders. Please step forward, James Conroy and Ella Sardini."
James and greta stepped forward. Michael D first gave them both badges with  a space for the name of the task force left blank.
"You two will name the task force yourselves." Michael D said reading there minds.
He then  gave them  a handgun in a holster which they clipped to their waste. They were then given a key.
"This key, is the key to your new head quarters. It has All the guns you'll need, bullet proof vests, and most importantly it's a room in this school, so you can still get your education."
Michelle and Barack Obama stepped forward to the mic. Michelle spoke first
"Now, although we are not in the White House anymore, we do have contact with the man who is. President Donald J Trump has heard about this story, and on behalf of all America. We would like to donate, $1B to the new task force, because," both Barack and Michelle spoke now "Is Feidir Linn*."
A shout came from the back, that sent shivers down James' spine. "Lovely show, are we done now, yeah, good. Because you're all done now either way, you don't get a choice." it was sarah.

*Is Feider Linn translates to 'yes we can' in Irish. It is pronounced iss fay der linn. Barack Obama famously said this on his trip to Ireland during his presidency.

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