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"Tell me why you did it ? Every dream falling apart tell me why you did it after the promise ? Still I get still get I need you you look so different in this street light ...heartbreak heartbreak ..." I sung softly as I sat on my clock tower and looked at the stars in the dark sky "who you singing about !?" A voice said loudly from behind me "AH!" I jumped with fear and almost flew off the clock tower but umma caught me by the ankle and pulled me up

"No one ...just singing ...umma what are you doing here ...wait you had to get into my tower to get up here ? How did you do that without a key ?" I asked "looper said he wants to meet when the 3rd star rises in the sky ..." umma told me . "Kind of early for looper isn't it ?" I asked "no not at all actually , looper is a early bird I'm not even sure if he sleeps " umma looked out into the sky

The sky was black and purple with different star dust floating about , the stars burned brightly and the cogs shined in its light the city was quiet and umma just sat next to me "you think Arron will be okay ?" I asked her "Arron is a better fighter than looper ...heck best in the whole military he'll be fine out there by himself " umma said as she kicked her feet as she sat at the edge of the tower , I sat with her

"And if he encounters savage time wrathes ?" I asked "he has a light canon and a savage sword " umma said

Savage time wrathes were tempus creatures but corrupted and fought in a caveman like nature , they were beast with great strength

And a savage sword is a sword made out of melted down hourglass metal with the sand floating in the swords magnetic field the way these swords worked was

Sand entering another tempus body is either poison or healing if the tempus is leaking sand and dying because their hour glass is cracked the sand can heal them but if the tempus is perfectly fine the sand is poison.

"The second star is starting to rise kid ...better get ready for loop " umma saluted

"Umma wait ..."

"Gotta dip !" She winked and dived off my tower into the darkness of the city ...wonder what her hurry was ...

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