"Okay. Thanks, Kat."

"No problem. Get some rest, okay? I'll let you know if I find anything."

I nodded and smiled at her. She smiled back and patted my hand one last time before she stood and left me alone. Again. I chased Finnian off earlier, so he had left to go to a meeting that he continued to reschedule since I got back. I told him to go do his work, that I just needed to be alone for a while.

I kind of wished he was here now. I kind of wished he was less than five minutes after he left. I felt abnormally attached to him after such a short time period. It was creepy.

I sighed and threw the blankets off of me. I had my space, now I needed to be around people. I knew they served dinner at around seven, so I had an hour and a half to get ready for that.

I took a quick shower and dried off, before throwing on a pair of white skinny jeans and a light pink sweater. I blow dried my hair, then turned to my makeup.

Once I pulled everything from the drawer and looked back up to my mirror, a scream built in my throat. A hand over my mouth stopped it, my wide green eyes taking in his familiar cerulean blue eyes.

"I'm going to move my hand and you're not going to scream, alright? You know I'd never hurt you, Emi."

I nodded and he took his hand away from my face.

"Ivaylo..." I breathed out in shock.

I had imagined many different ways I would feel when and if I saw Ivaylo again. I had imagined feeling relieved. When I was first taken by the Keating's all I wanted was to see my brother. He always brought a sense of safety and security to me. I craved that at first.

I also imagined feeling scared. He obviously kidnapped me and fucked up my mind. I thought that fear of him doing something to me, something to get to Finnian, would overwhelm me.

I also thought that I would feel sad. He was my brother. For a year he was my family, he was all I had. And now I didn't know what he was. He obviously wasn't really my family, but could I really just forget everything he had done for me? He had been my rock after all.

Somehow, I felt all of those things, along with something else. The one thing I hadn't expected to feel. Uncontrollable rage.

It was so unlike me. I never got very angry. I had a bit of a temper at times, but I was usually pretty passive. I never felt this kind of fury though. The kind that warmed the blood flowing through your veins to the point that it felt like it was bubbling, simmering just under the surface of your skin. The kind that felt like it would consume you if you didn't find some outlet to release it. Like I said, so unlike me.

But I was starting to realize that although it may not be like me, it seemed to be like Kendall. Where I was passive, submissive even, she was passionate, full of fire, and headstrong. It felt a little like I had split personalities at times, but I was learning to distinguish the Emilia from the Kendall. The girl that was fabricated versus the girl that was genuine. The girl that I was made to be versus the girl that I was born to be.

Made me wonder sometimes if I was purposely made that way.

"How did you get in here?" I questioned, trying to push the boiling rage back so that I could finally get answers.

"I'm not really here. Finnian has the place pretty well guarded. A friend of mine, a witch, which I'm sure you know by now exist, cast a spell so we could talk. No one else can hear us and no one can see me. It took a while for her to sense that you were alone. Finnian seemed to always be lurking close by. We were lucky to find a few minutes where he left the castle."

Finding KendallWhere stories live. Discover now