Carefully, he leans down, aligning himself with my entrance and planting a lingering kiss on the corner of my mouth before sliding into me.

The next morning, I awake enveloped in warmth. I open one eye to see Auston peacefully sleeping beside me. Soft snores escape his mouth as his chest rises with each breath in. His arms held me to his chest, keeping me captive in bed.

I open my other eye, blinking a few times to compensate for the bright morning light. I glance past Auston, landing my gaze on the alarm clock that rests on the wooden nightstand. The red dashes read 11:42. At first, the time doesn't bother me, but I quickly realize that Steph and Carly are probably wondering where the hell I am. 

I know that I'm eventually going to have to tell them about last night, but I wanted to wait until after the trip if possible so that everything stays somewhat normal. However, it's going to be really difficult to explain why I didn't go back to the room last night. Maybe if I get down there before everyone wakes up, I won't have to explain anything. 

I carefully unwrap Auston's arms from around my waist and slip out of bed, replacing my spot with a pillow along the way. I stumble around, trying to find my clothes from last night, but only succeeding in finding my jeans and bra. I slide them both on, along with a t-shirt I find laying on the ground.

With one last look at the sleeping centerman, I turn, grab my heels off the ground, and then slip out the door. I jog down the hallway, frantically pressing the button for the elevator. The doors barely open when I slip inside, punching the button for my floor. 

The ride up was going great, so far no stops. But as always, I speak too soon. The elevator halts on the floor right before mine, allowing a disheveled looking girl to join the party. I politely smile at her, knowing I probably look exactly like her. She returns the smile before leaning her weight onto the wall dramatically.

"Did you get kicked out too?" she asks me, breaking the tense silence. I shake my head, watching the doors close once again.

"How about you?" I ask, already knowing the answer. She looks down and nods

"I don't even know what I did wrong! I mean, everything was great last night and then he woke me up just now, saying I had to get out and he never wanted to see me again," she vents, moving her hands in added expression. I give her a sympathetic look before replying.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. You seem like a lovely girl, so I have no idea why he would say that. However, my advice would be to just go with it. He obviously doesn't deserve you and I can assure you that you deserve so much better than someone who throws you out after he's done using you," I tell her with a gentle smile. She sniffles a bit before breaking into a huge grin. The elevator dings, signaling its arrival on my floor.

"You know what, you're right. He doesn't deserve my time or patience. He wasn't that great in bed either," she says, standing up straighter. I chuckle at her remark and take a step into the hallway.

"This is my floor, but I'm glad you realized he's not worth it," I say.

"Thank you so much for the help! And good luck with your man! He's a very lucky guy," she says, smiling as the doors shut. I let the thought of Auston being 'my man' run through my head as I run down the hallway. It's weird to imagine us together. I don't even know if I can imagine us together.

All thoughts of Auston vanish as I slip my room key out of my back pocket and unlock the door as quietly as possible. I slip inside, shutting the door then silently tip-toeing across the living area, aiming towards my room. The sound of something hitting the counter causes my head to snap up, in the direction of the noise. I say a quick prayer, asking to spared the wrath of Steph and/or Carly.

Alaska || Auston MatthewsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat