chapter 6-Marinette found out.

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"Mari... me." Chat said.

"W-what?!" Marinette said.

"Marry me."


Marinette was soooooo confused to what was happening.

"I have had feelings for you since the evillustrator." (my fave episode) "I want us to be a thing. A couple. A family." Chat said.

"Chat, all this time, for three years, you came to see me every night, to know more about me?" Marinette said.

"Yes Marinette. I don't know Ladybug at all but I know you like how I know Adrian." Chat said kinda emotionally. "So is it a yes?"

"... uhh..... well.... I need some time to think... but for now, let's keep this a secret." Marinette said.

"Ok." Chat said, staring into Marinette's eyes. His miraculous beeped, but he bearly cared.

After a short while, he had to leave. He kissed Marinette good bye and left the balcony.

As Marinette watched as Chat jumped from building to building, she remembered something.

She remembered Chat revealing his idenity.

She yelled out to Chat in the distance. Chat thought that something was wrong. He ran back to her and he was standing two centimetres away from her face. Marinette pushed forward and closed her eyes.

The next thing you know, Marinette kissed a super hero.

It went on until Chat transformed back into Adrian. He knew this would happen.

"How did you know it was me?" Adrian asked.

"It all adds up. The glass case gone,  the hair, the eyes, everything." Marinette explained. And the fact that you revealed it during antibug.

"Well well. Someone has bee watching Alya's blogs too much. She has gone crazy to who is under the mask." Adrian said. "Hey, you have any camembert?"
"Yeah. I'll be right back." Marinette said.

Five minutes later...

"Here you go" Marinette said.

"Come for your cheese Plagg.... your smelly cheese." Adrian said in disgust.

A black cat kwami flew out of Adrian's jacket.

"Mmm... my beauty." Plagg said in a kind of seranding way... to his... cheese.

"Marinette, meet Plagg. Plagg, Marinette." Adrian introduced them.

"Nice to meet you Plagg. You are sooo cute!" Marinette exclaimed.

Plagg blushes. "Really? Adrian says I look like black poop." He pouted.

"Adrian!" Marinette said.

"Plagg!" Adrian said. "I never said anything like that! I just find you a tad annoying."

"Yes Adrian. Like this little adorable cat could be annoying." Marinette said.

"Ye- ok. I see how it is" Adrian glared at Plagg.

"Hey, you're probably ticked off because I stole your girlfriend from you." Plagg bragged.

"PLAGG!" Frustrated Adrian said.

"W-what did he s-say?" Marinette asked nervously.

"He said... nothing." Adrian tried to keep it a secret.

"Oh ok." Marinette sighed with relief. "Well we better get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

"Ok Plagg, CLAWS OUT!" Adrian whisper yelled.

Adrian transformed into Chat.

"Bye purrincess." Chat said leaving the building.

"Oh my God. The same person is a charming cat and a super hot model." Marinette said to Tikki.

"Well thank God that he did not find out Ladybug's idenity." Tikki giggled. "Let's get some sleep."

My Step-sister Chloe. {Completed}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon