chapter 3-retern of Antibug.

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"WHERE IS MY ADRIAN?!" A girl said.

"ANTIBUG?!" both Marinette and Adrian said.

"Didn't Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated Antibug four years ago???" Marinette asked.

"THERE YOU ARE!!!" Antibug said pointing towards Marinette and Adrian with her red polka dotted black robotic arm.

"Let's get out of here!!!" Adrian said holding Marinette by her hand.

They both tried to get away from Antibug but was caught.

"Wait... if you want me, why does Marinette have to be held hostage?!" Adrian said.

"Because my future step-sister stole my boyfriend!" Antibug said.

"WHOAH!!! HOLD UP!!! LET'S NOT GO THAT FAR!!!" Adrian said.

"Wait.... Chloe, you faked it?" Marinette said.

"SHUT UP!!!" Chloe silenced Marinette. "I will destroy you and make you love me!"

"OK! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!" Adrian said. He pried open Antibug's robotic arm and jumped down.

Marinette thought: he's so amazing...

"Forget about Adrian for now. Go put Marinette in that glass case." Hawkmoth said.

Adrian went to search for a place to transform. He went behind a building.

"Plagg, TRAN-" Adrian said when Plagg cut him off.

"Kid! You did not give me any cheese to eat this morning! I can't transform you!" Plagg said.

"Seriously?! I had cheese in my jacket! why didn't you eat it?!" Adrian argued with his kwamii.

"OHHHHH..... sorry. You have to find a way to rescue- according to you- the love of your life!" Plagg chuckled.

"BE SERIOUS! FINE! I'll try to find a way to save Marinette." Adrian scavenged the area in search of a staff-like sick.

"One question. Whatever I do as Chat, is what I can do in civilization form?" Adrian asked Plagg while holding a stick.

"Yes." Plagg replied.

"Excellent." Adrian said.

While Antibug got to the other side of town, Marinette was trying to get out of the hand.


"OK." Antibug dropped Marinette in a glass case. She went in search for Adrian but never realized that he was already in the room.

Adrian leaped into action and hit the glass case with the stick. Unfortunately, it was not fragile. It made a VERY loud vibration sound. Antibug heard it... because she was right behind the door. She smiled and picked up Adrian. She placed him in the same glass case with Mari.

"Plagg, are you done yet?" Adrian whispered to Plagg.

Plagg gave Adrian a thumbs up.

"Marinette?" Adrian asked.

"Yes?" Mari replied.

"Turn around, close your eyes and cover your ears." he ordered.

"ok..." Marinette did what Adrian said to do.

Adrian transformed into Chat Noir and used his cataclysm to break the case.

"Can I turn around now?" Marinette asked.

"YES!" Adrian yelled so Mari could hear him.

Marinette looked around and to her surprise, the case was gone! She looked at Adrian to ask him a question but, Adrian looked at Marinette. they stared for a while until Antibug shot a beam between them. they ran away from each other in different directions to transform.


"Hey Chat." Ladybug said.

"Hey m'lady." Chat said.

"Didn't we defeated Antibug four years ago?" Ladybug said.

"Yes. A girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the sweetest person I know, made Chloe angry by taking Adrian Agreste, that's me, to the prom this Frid-... oh sh*t did I say that out loud?" Chat said revealing his identity to Ladybug. "We can talk about this later LB. time to kick some anti-butt!"

"OK, I have to admit. that one was the only funny pun you have ever did." Ladybug said.

"YES!!!" Chat said.

after the fight...

"Bye little butterfly. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" Ladybug said. "OK Chat. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!

"Here is my number for answers. I need to go. bye!" Chat said.

"But- ok.. bye?"

My Step-sister Chloe. {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora