When All Else Fails Hope Prevails

Start from the beginning

"No, she's not; but, since Martha, I think we've learned to not compare people."

"I know this is what you had planned because I would have done the same thing - we do share the same mind - but it's also my decision; I want to go to that parallel world and find my own Ku'oko'a."

"You don't know how that's going to work out; she might already be married or she might not even exist."

"I know, but I have to at least try. If it doesn't end up working, then I'll spend the rest of my life saving the world; but, there's always the chance that it will work out and, like you'll have again, I want a family."

"Understandable; just," he smiled at his human self, "make sure you treat her well."

"Always," his human self beamed. And they smiled at each other because, for once, in a very long time, an agreement had been made and there was no bloodshed involved.

"What are you two beaming about?" they turned to find Rose and Ally standing next to them.

The metacrisis Doctor shook his head, "Nothing really; just relieved it all worked out. But, I was wondering, do you have a name I can use?"

"I have three that come to the forefront of my mind." Ally smiled, "Maka Nani, meaning 'Beautiful Eyes;' Maka, meaning 'Favorite One;' and Makamae, meaning 'Precious' or 'Cherished'." Her smile broadened before she continued with, "However, as you are not Hawaiian, I think either David or Seamus will do."

"Why not John?" they all looked at Rose as the words tumbled from her lips.

"John could do," Ally agreed, "but I think he wants to start over; make a new name for himself, as the saying goes." She saw the smiles on the two Doctor's faces and said, "In a sense, disassociate himself with this life in order to move on."

"David," the metacrisis looked to his counterpart as he started thinking out loud. "That's a good name, right? But, what would my last name be?"

"Whatever you want," he said with a flourish.

Ally smiled and winked at him before turning her attention to his counterpart, "How about Copperfield; David Copperfield."

David smiled at her before wrapping her in his arms and swinging her around, "Oh, that's brilliant!" He put her down and kissed her forehead before saying, "You are brilliant, you are."

"Yeah, well, I do tend to have my moments."

He laughed, "A simple 'Thank you' would suffice."

"Mahalo, David; Mahalo," she said this with a smile.

Rose smiled though she felt a little out of place and asked, "So, how did you two meet?"

She had directed the question to the Doctor and he knew she meant Ally. He shrugged, "We've met lots of times we just never travelled together until nearly half a year ago. She and Donna have been keeping me company."

Nodding her head, Rose smiled, "Well, I'm glad you weren't lonely, Doctor."

Martha walked up to them with a big smile, "So, you found Rose, did you?"

"Actually, no; she found me."

She continued to smile, "Yeah, well; same difference. The point is she's back." She turned to Ally and put her hand out, "Hello; I'm Martha Jones."

Ally smiled, "Doctor Martha Jones?" Martha nodded her head and Ally's smile grew, "Oh, you are my favorite; I mean, Donna will always be my number one; but, you." She shook her head, "Oh, thank you for putting him in his place." She stepped closer to Martha and softly said, "He should never have treated you that way."

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