••You Have Some Explaining To Do••

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*time skip to 2 days after the incident*
Adrien stood from his hospital bed and walked to the front desk. He was glad he would soon be able to return home from this boring place he had called home for the past 2 days. Marinette helped him into the car after he had signed himself out. His stitches were still healing, and she didn't want them to tear. They drove home stitching together a story about how this whole thing started and, that would be believable. It took a while, and a few extra circles around the block, but the two finally agreed on an explanation.
Alya and Nino stood by the front porch of the mansion. They smiled when they saw they're blonde headed friend safely escape from the car.
"Hey Nino, Alya. Hope they weren't too much trouble!"
The kids all ran out at the sound of their fathers voice, and engulfed him into a hug. Adrien winced,
"Gently, now." He reminded them. They all loosened their grip and Adrien hugged them all back. Four year old Hugo escaped from the hug and gave his mother one as well. He never liked people to feel left out of things. The Agreste's all laughed at Hugo and his caring personality. Sometimes the kid was just too sweet, if you know what I mean. Alya and Nino joined the family inside as they chatted about what happened to Adrien.
"Dude what even happened to you?" Nino questioned as everyone took a seat on the couch.
"Well..." Adrien began preparing the story that himself and Mari had come up with. Even Alya and Nino didn't know their alter egos, so they got the same story as the kids. Emma, Hugo, and Luis circled in the floor in front of their father. They knew something was up, they just didn't know what...
"You see..." he started again, seeing as his children had readjusted themselves. "I was getting a glass of water and I happened to trip over something on the bedroom floor. I ended up cutting myself on a wire hanger. Pretty painful." Adrien winced at the thought of the arrow lodged in his abdomen. Marinette recalled pulling it out of him and winced as well. Everyone nodded. They story made complete sense. Nino smiled at his friend,
"Narly bro!" He said earning a punch in the arm from Alya. Everyone chuckled.
"Momma! Can we purr-ease watch da news! I-I heard Chat Noir was oona be on it." Hugo piped out. Adrien began rolling on the floor in laughter, but suddenly stopped and grabbed his stomach in pain. His son hadn't meant to crack the pun, but he had anyways. Marinette punched him in the arm and rolled her eyes.
"Of course Hugo!" Mari replied turning on the news. Hugo stared at the tv, admiring his favorite Heroes. It showed Chat Noir and Ladybug on their patrol last night. Adrien sat at the end of his seat, acting like he didn't know what the story was about.
"Can't believe you used to have a crush on ladybug!" Nino laughed out and Adrien joined him.
"I know right! I got something much better!" He said planting a kiss on Maris lips. She giggled and turned her attention back to the news.
"DAD! CHAT NOIR GOT HURTED!" Hugo screamed out, allowing Adrien to wince.
"What? What happened to him?" He asked as if he didn't already know.
"An arrow from da a-akumana?" He questioned. He wasn't the best at pronunciation.
"That's gotta hurt..." Alya added.
"It sure did..." Adrien said under his breath getting a pinch on the arm from Mari. Alya cocked her head to the side and clicked the tv off. Plagg shifted in Adrien's shirt uncomfortably. This lady knew something.
"Kids why don't you go to your rooms?"
"Okay Aunt Alya!" They called out and raced up the mansion stairs.
"Now, Adrien tell me... what really happened to you?" He shifted in his seat and gulped.
"T-the story I told you!" He said quickly. Marinette sighed. She turned to Adrien.
"I think we should tell them..." she whispered in his ear.
"NO!" He yelled out rather loudly. Nino knew something was up.
"Dude what is the matter with you?" He asked Adrien began to shake his head.
"N-nothing!" Marinette sighed and rubbed her husbands back.
"Just tell them Chatton!" She whispered in his ear again. He sighed.
Alya smiled in pleasure and Nino began to listen intensely.
"I didn't hurt myself on a wire hanger.... I-it was a a-arrow..." he said waiting for a response.
"And?" Nino asked. Alya face palmed.
"He's the chat Noir idiot. THE Chat Noir! Oh my god! oh my god!" Alya said trying to freak out as quietly as possible. Nino looked at him with hurt in his eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me bro?"

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