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Training was sometimes fun. It really just depends on who you are training with. For example, the word 'diet' is not in my dictionary. Never. My friend, though, lives by it like a law. She exercises and diets 24/7. I never understood it. Once, though, she got me on a treadmill and it was quite fun.Training can be fun, with the right company.

95 laughed as she swung her bars at Sasuke but he ducked, smirking and stopping it with his sword.

She kept swinging at him and laughing but eventually he just trapped her. "Now what do you do?" He asked, murmuring into her ear.

Her heart fluttered. She wasn't used to male attention and even if this was just some casual, friendly one she felt the need to go crimson as Sasuke's arms were wrapped around her waist. He noticed how uncomfortable they were and when he started loosening his arms, she hit him with her elbow and spun to attack. It took him a second to react and he smirked again.

Kabuto walked in, taking note to mention the 'pointless games' Sasuke and 95 had been going on with while they were supposed to be training.

"Sasuke." He said.

Sasuke, like a robot, stopped everything he was doing and his expression became stoic. He rose a brow at Kabuto encouraging him to go on.

"Orochimaru-sama is asking for you."

Sasuke nodded and walked away.

He stopped midway and turned to 95. "You can go back your cell now. Trainings over."

She flinched at his words, his voice always seem to be so kind towards her.

She huffed and shrugged, going past him and into her cell.

She was thankful she had dropped the metal tubes on the Training Grounds, a guard was watching outside and her departure would have less impact if she were thrown into the Obedience Room for throwing a fit.

She slammed the door to her cell and kept her back on the door. She crossed her arms.

She walked to her bed and sat on it. The feeling of betrayal fisting her hands.

Wasn't Sasuke her friend? Her mentor, at least. She grabbed the spoon from under her mattress and was ready to write her feelings down.

She scribbled and sucked in her breathing, liking the way her wall was looking like. It was like a diary. Stories she would never be able to tell. Stories she rather keep to herself if she were to escape.


The word ringed in her ears, and for a moment she thought someone had said it but it was her own mind. The thought of freedom, of escaping. Living the rest of her life as normal as she could. The thought of not being some trapped experiment held in a cell like a prisoner with a spoon in hand and distracting her full thoughts by writing on walls.

'Escaping, freedom.'

Her fingers tapped her knees as she sat down and thought about escaping. She felt nervous as if Orochimaru would burst in and tie her into the bed for thinking of such things. She was thinking 'inappropriate' things. Forbidden things.

Would she even make it out of the main root of cells? The hideout was underground. everything else was over her, if she needed to escape, she have to run up, and the higher is is the more guards they were.

What if she escaped down? She could make a hole, like in cartoons, Bugs Bunny. she could dig underground and once she was up enough she could open it up. 'Or dig until I find an ocean.'

And drown.

95 isn't a swimmer, you see.

It was the fourteenth. Orochimaru had asked 95 to go to a last appointment before her battle. She walked towards the same dull room and sat on the bed. He came a little later, his face seeming slightly green.

She smiled at him an he nodded. "Hello, 95."

He placed a large piece of leather on the table and unrolled it, five injections were there.

"We're not using all five don't-" He coughed. "Excuse me. We're not using all five."

She nodded and frowned at him coughing,

"I've been having a bit of a cough lately, nothing to worry about, surely."

She nodded again.

He grabbed the phymoronium and injected it first. Her fingers went numb. He then continued with the purple injection.

Her vision went black for a moment but she opened them again and she was back in he same room.

'What's in that damn purple injection?' Orochimaru never told her about that one. She knew the red one was phymoronium, and the blue one was simply chakra for her to adapt to. But the violet one was a mystery.

She slept very soundlessly during the night and was woken by the early, monthly fifteenth bell.

She woke and walked to the cafeteria before she was taken into the grounds without food was in her system. She ate her apple and spares the water, dehydration crossing her mind.

She was called by the guard that stood by her door and she walked into the corpse cell to be armed with her tubes and single kunai and shuriken.

The bell was rung and she walked in.

The roars were heard.

She breathed in and out, rolling her shoulders to the weight of her tubes. On the cell in front came out a ginger boy. She gasped and looked up at the black haired man. He nodded at her.

The ginger boy looked so wild and deadly. His grin was wide and she felt fear course through her.

"Is she another copy of me?" He asked, cackling madly.

She walked towards him.

"She doesn't look very dangerous. What's the big deal about this girl? Oh well, time to run a show."

'A copy of who?' She thought as the image of the purple injection came to mind.

。。。The path to the truth is found between the spaces of the lies.

- Rain Bonjangles 。。。

Don't worry, be hippie. :P Alijoice.

Experiment Number 95 (Naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now