Chapter One

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Eren's Pov:

Great, It's raining, I thought to myself as fat droplets of water spattered across the front windshield of my car. The endless expanse of gray sky ahead of me was enough to confirm my fears. It may have been a light drizzle now, but soon it would start pouring.

If the weather wasn't enough to worry about, my gps had been on the fritz lately, which is bad when you're in the MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE. I started to regret ever showing any interest in my inheritence from my dead aunt. I had been told that the house would be quiet and serene, not miles from civilization.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by my phone's voice, telling me to take a right. The second I was on the side road, the car started lurching, the gravel road much less smooth then the paved streets I was used to. Outside my car, I heard the wind blowing through the trees, making a whistling sound. The gravel path gradually got smaller, until it wasn't even there, and I was instead driving on worn down grass, a path being created by tire tracks. Only after I noticed this did I spot the house.

The house was on the smaller side, but the yard was a whole different story. The beige building was surrounded by a massive garden, filled with lush grass and flowers. After that, was grain. Tons of it. And this all belonged to me? I killed the sunflower I got in kindergarden on the second week!

Pulling into the driveway, I yanked my keys out from the car, silencing the engine. Getting out of the grey Prius, I noticed that it had gotten darker, and was raining harder then when I was on the freeway. My hair almost immediately became damp, giving me incentive to hurry to my back seat and grab some essentials I would need for the first night. Balancing pillows and sheets, along with bags full of groceries in my arms, I ran towards the front door after I had bumped my hip against the car door to close it.

As I stumbled into the house, I couldn't help but shiver. It was evident that the AC hadn't been on for weeks, and the cold weather outside didn't help. Slipping my shoes off, I set down the bags in my arms, and flicked on the light switch to the right of me. A faint light turned on outside, in the backyard. Wrong switch, apparently. I was about to reach to turn the light off, when something caught my eye that made my blood run cold in my veins. Laying on his side, bathed in light from a flickering bulb, was a boy, passed out on the back patio.

When my feet finally unstuck themselves from the floor, I sprinted across the room, crashing into a chair in the process and knocking it over. Too caught up in the moment to care, I clumsily jumped over the fallen chair, and, after unlocking it, I yanked open the sliding glass window. I franticaly started testing for a pulse on the boy, along with watching his chest for any sign of breathing. I started panicing, until he started coughing weakly, leaning on his elbow and hunching over the ground. He was weak, and couldn't have been more then 90 pounds from the look of him. Shaking, he collapsed back on the ground and curled into a ball, trying to preserve warmth.

What the hell is this guy doing here?!

I prepared myself to pick him up, but when I lifted the man from the ground, it seemed that I had over-estimated his weight, and almost toppled over, somewhat like someone letting go of the rope in a tug of war. However, I caught myself, and turned on my heel to bring him inside.

Placing him down on a couch covered in a sheet, I started searching him for any clues as to who he might be, and why he was in my backyard. I unzipped his polo jacket to reveal a faded Johnny Cash tank top, which definitely wasn't the best suited for October. I saw what looked like a driver's licence peeking out from a pocket inside the coat, but on closer inspection, it turned out to be three school IDs tied together with a rubberband. Three little kids beamed from each school picture. One boy, who looked uncannily like the man on my couch, but younger, was giving a soft, closed lip smile at the camera. Next to him, bubble letters spelled out:

Name:Levi Ackerman


Homeroom Teacher: Mr. Mack

The other two ID cards showed me a pig-tailed, fiery haired girl with a space between her teeth, along with a blond boy with a confident grin. All of their information, however, had been scribbled out with a Sharpie. Looking over at the boy, who I assumed was named Levi, I noticed that he was curled up, but had stopped shivering. I walked over to the pile of blankets and pillows I had dropped by the door, and grabbed a fluffly brown comforter. Draping it over Levi, I smiled softly as he seemed to relax, and his hair flopped onto his forhead. Seeing this, I knelt down, and, somewhat unconciously brushed the hair out of his face. Realizing what I was doing, I jerked my hand back and stood up adruptly.

I thought to myself.
Why did my face feel hot just then?

921 words
Sorry if I'm cringy.

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