You Scared Me.

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Gerards POV

I was holding her hand until I heard a long beep. An all too familiar beep that I had heard when my grandma Elena passed away. I felt my heart drop as doctors came rushing in and telling me I needed to stay back while they tried to bring her back. Nurses and doctors crowded around her, pressing buttons on machines, jabbing needles into her skin until I heard the most wonderful sound I could have heard in that moment, her heart monitor started back up and her eyes fluttered open. I sighed in relief, I started to walk over to her but the doctors stopped me.

"Sir, we need to check her vitals and blood pressure to make sure nothing is wrong." He said, with his hand lightly on my shoulder. I obliged and sat in a chair in the back of the room while they ran a bunch of tests and soon enough they stopped the testing. A doctor walked over to me, to which I stood up to make eye contact with him.

"You may go see her, she may have some trouble with eye contact but we are going to dim the lights as much as possible so it's less harsh on her eyes" He said with a sympathetic smile, I thanked him and walked over to him. As soon as I saw her face, she didn't look like the Maddy that was sarcastic and humorous, she was pale, sweaty, and looked dead, but she just came back from the dead so I wasn't worried about that. I grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead.

"God dammit Maddy you scared me" I said, while I was speaking I choked up and my eyes started getting watery. I looked at her and saw that her gaze which was once at me, was now facing towards the ceiling. I saw her swallow so I figured she started getting choked up but she hadn't started speaking so I didn't really think anything of it.

"I know, I'm sorry Gee, it's just that," she paused for a moment blinking her eyes, with a few tears falling down her cheeks. I lifted my hand to wipe away the beads of the warm salty liquid. Once those were taken care of she started talking again, I held her hand and just rubbed the back of it with my thumb. 

"It's just when Ray said those things, I thought it was all true, why would you love me? Why would you fuck a bitch like myself, I just lost it, when I ran upstairs I planned that being the last time I saw any of you and any of you saw me alive." She choked out, now shaking from crying so much. What she said broke my heart, what Ray made her do to herself made me beyond pissed. I let go of that Ray thought and saved it for later, I definitely was gonna have a little chit chat with him. I sighed sadly and looked down, 

"Maddy, You know I love you, you're perfect, you're my everything. Forget what that fro motherfucker says, he doesn't know you like I do baby girl." By the time I finished that sentence she was crying even more. I was worried that I had upset her even more so I thought of what I had just said but I didn't think anything in that sentence could have upset her. Before I was about to start speaking again to ask her what was wrong, I heard her angelic voice say something.

"Gerard, I love you so fucking much, thank you for being with me and standing up for me." She said, looking at me for the first time since I sat down. She had a smile on her face, it wasn't a forced smile. Like she was trying to comfort me, it was a genuine smile.

"Love, you need to head to bed, you've been tested on since you woke up and you've been crying, please at least take a nap." I said grabbing both of Maddys hands. She agreed and gave me a kiss. I stayed there until she fell asleep and started to head home.

Allies POV

Since Gee and Maddy were at the hospital and everyone else was out doing who knows what, that left Mikey and I home alone, I wanted to finish what we started before Maddy rudely interrupted us that one night. Mikey and I were just cuddling on the couch watching Mikeys favorite movie American Pie. It was pretty funny during the majority of the movie. During one of the less funny parts, I climbed on top of Mikey and started kissing him, he was taken aback but then kissed me back, even harder than I had kissed him. He grabbed me by my sides and walked me upstairs to his bed. He pushed the door open then kicked it shut when we were inside. He tossed me on the bed and started kissing down my neck. He started softly nibbling the skin around my collar bone, which resulted in a quiet moan on my part. He pulled away and pulled my shirt on, and since we had just been chilling all day I didn't have a bra on, which was a plus on his part because the dumbass didn't know how to remove one. He latched his mouth around one nippple and his hand around my other boob. He started to suck on my nipple, which would definitely result in a hickey. I pulled his head away from my cleavage and tugged at the collar of his shirt, hinting that he should take it off. He pulled it over his head and tossed it somewhere in the room along with my shirt. He pulled down my pyjama pants and started rubbing my clit. I arched my back to the sudden pleasure and bit my lip, he continued that until I felt something wet come in contact with me, I looked down and saw his faced buried in between my thighs. I arched my back again until I felt his hands on my hips holding me in place. I squirmed under his touch before I spoke.

"M-Mikey please, I want you, now." I moaned and begged. He looked up at me with a devious smirk. He reached over for the drawer he went into last time for a condom. He grabbed a small square package, he tore it open and slid it on his dick, he hovered over me before entering me slowly then slamming into me, I moaned in extreme in pleasure before he began sliding in and out picking up the pace each time. He mumbled that he was close and I said something along the lines of "same here" but my words slurring from being too caught up in what was happening. He soon made a sound that told me he had came. When he made that sound, it sent me over the top and I had joined him. We rode our highs out together before he pulled out. When he slid the condom off I saw all colour drain from his face. I was worried because of the very slim possibilities why he would look like he had just seen a ghost.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I said while sitting up. He walked over to the trash and threw the condom away. He threw on his grey sweatpants and tossed me my shorts. He sat down next to me and grabbed my hands. I was scared because I didn't know if I did something wrong or what.

"Allie, you have to promise me not to flip shit and leave me okay?" He said, sounding scared. I hesitantley nodded before he continued speaking.

"The condom broke." I felt my heart drop, I got dizzy, and before I knew it, I heard Mikey screaming my name before everything went black.

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