New Member - To Knows

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This chapter is for all the members who just joined. I always have to keep on telling in comments about it and I'm bored to write the same thing again and again so there you go, here's a chapter just for you guys to know before you begin with the club.

1. Please read the instructions on how the club works. (LINK ---> )

2. Follow @TheIncredibowls for updates on club.

3. The reading list for the week is put up with dates. For example, if the week is from 13th Feb to 20th Feb, the chapter name will be : 13th February to 20th February 2014. Kindly start reading the books of the week,

4. If any contest etc is open at any time when you join, feel free to participate.

5. This is not only for reading books and all but to make friends, too! :) What we need the most is enjoyment.

Happy Reading!

Ruby Rayner

The Soul Sketch Mod

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