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Aya p.o.v
It all happened so fast,they pushed me on top of Aubrie and she was embarrassed,i felt bad,thats when i did something i probably shouldn't have i stood up and shouted "WTF IS YOUR GUYS PROBLEMS!"

A teacher heard me,shit,im screwed."AYA BOXHEAD TO THE TEACHERS DESK NOW!"
The teacher practically screamed,my face turned red from embarrassment,well shoot...
"WHY 'ELL ARE YA CUSSIN" she screamed, "RAWR" Tord said,i started laughing my butt off.

Get ready for the randommess

Ya ready

Ok after you read this you might drink bleach.

Then everyone got up and chased the teacher making cat sounds.
Everyone,except Aubrie and I...
She walked up to me and hugged me,i hugged back. "Your a Baka,y'know" she breathed out.
She was so short,
head was leaning against my chest and she was blushing like mad.

Evans p.o.v
We came back to the classroom and saw Aya and Aubrie hugging... Matt and Tammy started to fangirl/fanboy,damn,for preschool,we are fucking mature.

I finally updated whoooo

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