First day....crazy people

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Aubrie's p.o.v (me!!)

My mom dropped me off, "bye honey,i love you" she said as she handed me my sketch book and pencil,  "bye-bye mommy" i murmured shyly in reply.

I walked into the new classroom and saw kids everywhere. this didn't make it any better since i was shy,i saw a boy with dark brown hair,and another with black hair,they both had sharpies,and were drawing on eachothers faces,they put cat noses and whiskers. I giggled,thats a bit silly.

I saw a girl with short Curly hair chasing a girl with orangish-red hair and pink highlights,the curly haired girl was chasing the orange haired girl with a phone.
Orange haired girl was screaming "noooo" very loudly,more like screeching.

I looked to my left and saw a white haired boy hugging a black haired boy,the black haired boy had glasses. "Awwww" i said aloud. Then all of the sudden someone ran into me and crushed me. 

"O-OWEEEEE" i whimpered out.
I looked at the person and it was the orange haired girl, "u-uh, im s-sorry" she said quietly standing up. When she fell on me my sketchbook and pencil flew out of my hand and across the room.
"M-My sketchbook" i whispered and ran away from the girl.

A boy with a red hoodie and "horn-y" (omg lol) like hair picked it up and took it,
"Hey!!" i squeaked out.
"What!" he replied,he had a high pitched Norwegian accent.
"Give that back to her Tord!" a boy in a green hoodie snatched it out of his hand and gave it to me "thanks" i ran to a table,where a girl in a pink dress and box like head sat. "I hope she doesn't mind" i thought

Welll,we already know what grace was chasing evan with, lenny face insert,if ya don't it was smut. Ewwww


Lol baiii

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