Evan and Grace?

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Aubrie's p.o.v
God,i hate when Aya makes me blush it embarrassing.
The boy with the horn like hair came up to our table,i immediately backed up into Aya.
"Im sorry" he mumbled then ran off.
"What was that for,why are you scared of Tord?" Aya asked.
"He...He scared me,i don't know why though" you replied softly.
"You'll be fine,butttttttt,there are some people i want you to meet!" she grabbed my hand and ran outside,i saw the orange haired girl and the curly haired girl.
Aya spoke "this is Evan" she pointed to the orange haired girl,she waved,i smiled shyly and waved back, "and this is Grace" she pointed to the curly haired girl,that girl waved, "you guys this is Aubrie" i noticed that Aya was still holding my hand and i blushed to myself, "u-uh,hi" i smiled softly and waved,my face was a rainbow of reds.

Evan p.o.v
Aya brought up the girl with the flower over her eye,her name was Aubrie,she was totally crushing on Aya,i saw it.
Im gonna talk to Grace about this later,i giggled to myself aloud,everyone looked at me like i was crazy. "H-Heh,oops,thought of somethin..." i chuckled out nervously and scratched the back of my neck smiling like a dork.

No ones p.o.v
Evan,Grace,Aya,and Aubrie hung out the rest of the day.
Aubrie had to leave first,Grace and Evan left together,then Aya.

Well thank ya for reading and byeeeeeeee!!!!

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