The Horse Drawn Carriage

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Since finding out about the championship, names upon names were given to ensure their wish to represent beaxbatons. few girls were chosen. me, Fleur, april, cece and 26 other girls out of hundreds were selected to compete, while one, in-school sisters if there was one, could come with for support, but I think thats its.

I charmed one of my bags to become extended and to fit all of my stuff in one suitcase. The last week past and it was time to go,

"Au revoir everyone, wish us good luck."

Stepping in the first carriage, since madam Maxine favours my family. the trip seemed like minutes to even though it was about 2 hours.

Once we were in far enough to see hogwarts, we saw many students gazing around, buzzing with excitement. one boy with black hair, stand by a pair of red hedded twins, pointed up at us. His lips moving, but i can't seem To figure what he said, nearly everyone looked up, pointing and gazing at us. luckily enough we had a soft landing, guess those winged, horses like to show off, a lot.

After our landing they seemed to be watching me, Fleur, gabby and other veela the most, as we stroll out. Honestly its unnerving the way they stare.

Getting escorted into the castle, we found ourselves, in a what we later found out to be the 'entrance' hall. Patiently waiting there.

The rushing sounds of water, showed that Durmstang had finally arrived, by boat. Many, many, many cute boys entered, and waited where we were. Viktor Krum among these boys. Later on we had walked into 'grand hall. Fleur and i made our way to the blue table.

"Krum... krum... come sit here... " adverting my eyes over to the red table, i saw an oranged hair boy, trying to wave Viktor over. This boy caught my gaze, before i sat among Fleur and gabby.

"Salut, je bien, commeont?"

"Bien, merci" gabby replies.


Professor Dumbly-dorr, made his speech, warning us of the 'binding' contract if chosen, and about only 17+ can enter.(i notices the twins outraged face "that ridiculous!")

"Ashy, ash... Ashleigh"


"Look over there, it's la boy- "but i cut her off

"I'll be back" walking over to a red and gold table, to a boy who resembled those twins i saw earlier.

"Salut, have vous finished with la bouillabaisse?"

"Uh... oh yerr it was great!"

"Merci, could vous pass Je

la plat?"

"What" this informal chatter caused the bushy, brown haired girl, the type of looks people would kill for, yet she seemed oblivious to it, to whack this boy with a book.

"Ron! so sorry," she extended her hand" hermione jean granger"

I returned the gesture "ashleigh lily Delacour"

"Nice to meet you." she turned back to the boy "she asked for you to pass her the dish. Oh right this" she pointed to the boy again "is ron Weasley, and this" pointing to the black haired boy across from her "is harry potter"

"Salut, Ron and harry" i curtsied

"Ron give her the billibo-youse?" Harry spoke then nudged ron

"Bouillabaisse" hermione corrected, with an eye roll.

"What? oh right" ron said dreamily, obviously, under my Veela charm. he sloppily passed over the dish, henceforth, spilling it down my whole outfit.

I shriek. hermione stands up and takes my hand, not before hitting ron. again.

"Here, i'll help you get cleaned up."

As we scuttle away, i distantly hear Ron mumble to harry,

"She's a veela mate."

"Yerr maybe"

Smiling at how true it is, as hermione mutters under her breath something about ron being preposterous.

Finding our selves at many stair cases. She takes a step up one step gesturing for me to follow. suddenly a great lurch of the stairs makes me stumble back, tripping on the bottom step or two. expecting impact, i brace myself, not expecting what happens next.

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