I sat down in my seat, and glared at the back of his head, while I waited for Mr. Davidson to start. When the second bell finally rang, he got up from his computer, and started to pass out music sheets. Before I even looked at my sheet, I guessed we all knew the song by the excited hum in the room. I prayed it was something good, and slowly looked at my sheet, and saw Need You Now by Lady Antebellum. Thats's why I love Mr.Davidson. He picked songs that actually were upbeat, and were at least popular. I absolutely loved this song! I sang it in the shower at least once a week. It was a duet, and I knew I was meant for it. I just had to get this part no matter what. I just needed to sing this.

Mr. Davidson rambled on about what we're going to be learning this year, but I tuned him out. I was waiting for him to give us information about the duet. Finally he said, "Alright class I'm sure you're excited about this song," This was followed by cheers and hollers, but I stayed quiet listening intently. "Tryouts will be today after school at three o'clock." Today at three?! It's perfect I can nail my part, and wait for my mom to pick me up.

The day seemed to be ticking by so slowly I could hardly stand it. After what Mr. Davidson said, I was just so excited I could barely stay in my seat. At 2:45 I arrived in the chorus room and I took the seat that had been originally mine, that Chord stole. I was the only one in the room, but I thought to myself better to come early than late.

You have to realize I'm not some control freak about everything. I get in the mid 90's, but I don't act like a 90 would just kill me. I actually like 90's I just pass to get an A, but it's still like I beat the system. Singing is the only thing I take super seriously. I'm in love with it. I want to become a chorus teacher someday, and pick out my own music. I get butterflies just thinking about having kids look up to me. I really wanted to be the cool teacher everybody liked, and I really hoped I could accomplish my dream someday.

When I woke up from my daze, I realized it was almost three o'clock, and a couple of other people showed up. I looked around the room and saw my competition. The girls that were competing against me didn't stand a chance. I was just about to let out a small satisfied smile, when I caught one person's eye. And guess who it was? It was Chord of course, sitting right behind me in the chair I sat at for chorus. I looked away, and glared at the wall. He totally ruined my happy moment. Just then Mr. Davidson walked in, and called up the first person on the list. He called them up by last name, and thank God I came after Chord. I wouldn't feel comfortable singing with him in the room.

Suddenly it was Chord's turn to go up. He walked to the piano, and sang the song beautifully. It was perfection. I sat there mesmerized by his voice. It sounded like velvet, and it gave me goose bumps because the song sounded like it was made for his voice. It fit him like a glove. I stared at him in total awe. The way his lips moved made my heart stop. I wondered what it would feel like to have those lips touch mine. Wait Jenny stop! Don't become like one of those girls that only care about stupid childish things. You can do this. Just focus on your solo, and how good you'll be. I closed my eyes, and restated that statement over and over in my head. It was like a mantra to me. When I opened my eyes, Chord was heading out the door.

A couple of others went, but then it was finally my turn. I got up to the piano, and I nodded telling Mr. Davidson that I was ready. The piano began to play the soft melody, and I got lost into the song. I sang with all my heart and soul, and it sounded like I was hitting the notes flawlessly. I added my own little twists to make the song more interesting, but it fit with his piano playing, and I was proud of myself. After I was finished he told me great job, and that I would find out who was doing the duet tomorrow in class.

I walked away smiling, knowing I got the part. I was so distracted by the day's events I forgot to call my mom. I swore under my breath, and dug through my bag looking for my phone. I finally found it, and called her. "Hello?" she asked. "Hey mom, can you pick me up after work maybe? I had a chorus tryout, and I couldn't miss it." Unfortunately she sighed, which was never a good sign. "I'm sorry honey, but I have a lot of work to do. I can pick you up, but it won't be until six probably." Six o'clock? There was no way that I was waiting that long. Eventually I sighed into the phone and said, "It's ok I'll just walk. I'll see you when you get home." I only have to walk about 4 miles. No big deal. Actually yes that is a big deal. "Just be safe." She said, and then I hung up.

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