Her father...

I stood up involuntarily as I shook my head---Rin yelped at my sudden snapping. I slapped my face with both hands as I say "Sorry." My voice quivered "I just. Feel a bit tired..."
Confused as she is, she just looked at me weirdly. Crap. She's obviously suspicious of my actions. Will she look right through me?
"You've been acting weird lately." she suddenly brings up "Something weird is going on."

And with that, she saw right through me like I feared she would.
Damn this girl.
It's almost impossible that she can't read my mind.

"What?! ~" I sang shrugging innocently "Nonsense! Let's get this adventure started shall we?" My feet hovered forward. I could feel the cold wind roaring through the trees out the cave. We started marching in no time.
Thoughts then swiveled through my head.

I can trust Rin... Right?
I mean, after all, she will right?
What I'm afraid of is the fact that she'll think I'm nusiance or something. Like hell am I gonna let that happen.
Although, will I be doing the right decision keeping secrets from her when I kept a promise that I wouldn't?
Wow. I sound so brutal.

My eyes glanced over the edge of the cave---where a beam of light arises. It seems to be an exit to who knows where. I can almost feel Rin jumping in delight. But what shook me is that she isn't jumping up and down in joy. But instead, she stood there biting her lip and her gaze downcasted like some guilty kid that broke his mother's vase. That bothered me.
"Uh hey," I started smiling "I see a way out!"
But she didn't respond.

"Is this because of a while ago?" Rin asked---quickly setting aside my current beckon. All I am, was confused "About what?"
"Your confession earlier... " Rin sighed "Did that cause you to be silent?"

Shoot. She still remembers that?!

"W-What're you talking about Rin?" I tried to fake a laugh "That's ridiculous!"
"You really think so?" She asked me "That's unfortunate..."
"Yes. Kibō." She cuts me off immediately "My answer is yes."

Eh? Eh?!!!!!?!?

"H-Huh?" I reacted without knowing. I quickly slammed my hand on my lips as I realized that. "R-Rin.. " I said as she nodded seriously "I'm sorry but I'm not getting you at all."
She shook her head "No.. What I mean was..."

Is she... Not rejecting me?

"Your so dense!" Rin says. I was shocked that her mood changed "I mean that.." her voice turned silent but, strongly crumpling her hands, she breathes in with confidence and raised her chin up proudly.
"K-Kibō-kun!" she calls out.
I stood straight in reply with a response "Yes(?)!"

"I-I..." She says "I love you! Too!"


H-how am I supposed to react to this?

She stared at me---blush dominating half her face. How cute. But why...
Why am I feeling like...
This is wrong?
Very wrong.

Why do I feel like I'm taking the love someone else deserved from Rin?

"Kibō?" Rin tilts her head at me as I just stared at her... My eyes widening, i felt like dropping dead. Why do I feel so guilty?! Don't I want this?!

The good side of me:
"Kibō, listen to your heart. Rin belongs to someone else who was there for her even before you did. I think It'll be better for Rin to settle things herself.. After all, you want her to be happy right? "

The bad side of me:
"Accept it. Tell her. After all, you love her, yes? You've worked your way up to this point. Dont let some dumb childhood friend take her away from you.

My hands shook as I casted my head downwards. I could feel drips of tears landing on my shoes. How can I face Rin?
Is this how Shigeru felt?
More importantly, why did I work my way up here in this base to keep secrets from her?
"Kibō! Oh my gosh! Are you-"


That made Rin stop. Her hands that were reachong out for me downcasted as she stares blankly at me. Although, I cannot face her, I couldn't help but notice the way she looked at me like I murdered someone... Granted, I almost hear her heart slowly dying inside.

Oh Rin..

"I can't accept that."

"B-But-" Rin was going to protest while I just looked at her, my eyebrows formed into a furrow. I didn't know what happened next, but all I knew was the voice of Shigeru swirling inside me

"What if there was someone else who was there for her from the start?"



"I can't be with you anymore."

I'm sorry.



After a long moment of silence, I felt like it was finally time to end the day. Kibō made his separate way like he always does after every day they spent. Only this time, there wasn't a word said.
That one question still lurks inside my head after he said no like an echo willing to break my heart.

" Rin, are you okay? "

Screw him! Does he know how's it like being in pain because of what he said?! Worst, I never felt familiar about this pain!

It hurts so much...

And worst, I just had to fake a smile..

"Ahahaha yeah sure! I'm okay! Sorry

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"Ahahaha yeah sure! I'm okay! Sorry. "

Even if inside,
I'm slowly breaking down to pieces.


Author's note!

I am back! And with another emotional chapter(?)
Finals are done!! Phew am I glad ahahaha XD
Who missed me and my chaps?

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