r e s e a r c h

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No matter what angle I look at the photos taken, this girl has to be Rin. Judging by that pale face and the beautiful hair, it must be her.
I don't know how I got here, but as far as I'm concerned it all happened ever since I unfolded these files in my hands. Every page I turn, I carefully examine each word specifically those who has to do something about my friend.
10 years. It's been ten years since the tragedy happened in a flash. Since Rin was sent to outer space.

I didn't know anything back then, but all I know is that her father saved her before himself. My palms grew sweaty as I recall it---my throat getting dryer by the second as I remembered the pressure I placed upon my screams back then. I ran a finger through my chestnut colored hair "It's been years Rin... " I sighed and casted my gaze downwards "Why in the world would you just show up now?" That made me slightly smile as I placed the peices of papers down.

It's been days and yet I cannot silence my roaring thoughts. I mean, who wouldn't be shock when they ever knew that their friend is still alive after a huge damned calamity?!
Sigh~ maybe I'm a little too shocked.
My hands gripped themselves over my lap. After dad knew about Rin leaving in a pod, he became helplessly furious of both her and her father.
But my mother and I understood very well that her father did that for her. To protect her because he loves her.
I mean, who wouldn't love their own child? Quite a logic really.

I then carefully took out a small polaroid picture from a tiny compartment of mine. My mouth never hesitated to curl into a warm smile. It was a picture of Rin, her father and I. We were so young that I couldn't even recall our memories together until now. Rin's father was someone who is very caring ang understanding that I can even talk about my problems to him. Ever since I was little, he stood guard as a second father if I ever needed one at some times I can't handle problems on my own.
I examined the picture as i hovered my right hand over my mouth, spectically.
He never ceased to amaze me when he made those breath taking machines of his. It was absolutely Miraculous indeed.

Who knew he'd adapt those wires onto Rin's body. A stimulation. Why would he let Rin live a lie all her life?
I mean, 7 years is no joke.

I sigh and leaned back careesing my thumb over Rin's past self "Don't worry." I dumbly re assured "I'm keeping our promise... "

"When I find you, I'll give you shelter"

"Then we'll be together again."

"Like friends should be"


I paced around the dome's computer system. Carefully, my eyes were fixed upon the screen. The perimeter was shockingly cleared. Although there a few fazes onto the atmosphere, I was able to find Rin's pod after three days straight.
My body didn't refrain any further happiness ti'll I fistbumped the air "Yes!" my heart started pounding "Found you!"
My hands quickly hovered over the walkie talkie beside me "Sergeant, tell father to send in the clean up crew. " My lips curled into a soft smile "Pod target number 1253 found. Repeat, Tell father that the clean up crew better report to me ASAP."

This is it...
Soon enough, I'll see her again.



Today's necessities are finally finished. I could lay back on the sweet green glass all day after a day of adventure. But something really weird happened though. After that flashbacks I had before then, there isn't really any further news. No flashbacks and no more glitches. I should be happy since I won't feel weaknesses anymore but I really just can't get rid of the fact that I had someone else close in my life besides father.

"Riku" I repeated his name quietly as I stared up the sky---re imagining the starry night I saw back then "Where are you now?" My voice jittered "I want to see you. " I extended my hand which covered the sun from my view. But then, a flash of unfamilar pictures claimed my thoughts to place.
I immediately sat up reflexively and looked around. There he was. Riku. And my father.
They were happily talking about something. And I was probably making tea for them. I walked closer to eaves drop better and I was reluctantly shocked on what I heard. They laughed.
My heart almost melted on how father seemed so happy. Even though I countless of times made him smile back then, this time period must be far from when the "tragedy" happened that ripped everything to shreds.
And it seemed to me like they were just a son and a father basically talking to their hearts content. I almost felt jealous.

If only I could remember more than this... Will I be able to be satisfied?

Then everything went slowmotion and the amplitude of their voices vanished into the wind. I examined what was happening around me-- with my ego half consumed by fear.
It was weird on how these flashbacks seemed to have a time limit or so. And no matter how frequent I have them, I never ceased to be scared of what's to become next.
All I noticed is that I got back home once more.

This is all so confusing to me.

"What's this memory have to do with-" but then, it hits me like a truck "R-Riku knows about father!" I almost yelped out in joy "They know eachother! They do! I don't know what I'm happy about but-" I started smiling "They could be together right now! They could be safe! Or-" I trailed off as my facial expression died down to disappointmemt "Not safe." I added.

Right. They could be dead by now.

I suddenly felt so forlorn. I didn't even get to say goodbye.
I sat down on the grass once more, clearing my mind. My heart seemed to have skipped a beat as numerous of negative emotions swiveled into my damned head. Anything could've happened to them. And When I mean happen, I mean a chaotic scene caused by a huge planet collision.
They could've been crushed.

But my mind felt like exploding as heat dwelled up unto my spine. My keen silence drew my attention to my tablet where I noticed a lay out of a boy. My eyes raised itself as I saw a variety of sparkles here and there fusing together as something was being built. I stared shocked.

Was I thinking too much to even notice that I've been drawing on my tablet?!
And a human?! I never done that before! It could damage the system.

My hands hovered quickly. Erasing the image i've drawn, the fragments of shimmering peices refrained from building further more structures. I started panting out of nervousness and confusion.

W-Was I-

Was I building a Person?!

No. No. That can't be. Can it? I carefully lamded my gaze on my rablet in utter silence as my eyes was flashed mighty worried "I-I-" was all I could mouth.
But I didn't know what occured into me when I smiled "I can build a friend." And I paused "After all these years of loneliness..." I muttered "I can... Build my friend?" normally I'd be agitated knowing that I've almost gone bonkers when I kept feeling out of place but lonely but that was the exact opposite of what I'm thinking now.

Yus! My thoughts finally come in clear I am building my friend no matter what. I involuntarily smirked tomorrow I breathed By tomorrow, I am no longer alone...

I'll finally be home.

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