p l e a s e • s t a y

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Three days of training is something to look forward to if at the end, it's all worth it.
After what I heard from father, I can't help shake off the fact that I can't look him straight in the eyes. Especially when he wanted to kill that one person who ever made me feel alive.
The dome started buzzing with rumors that I joined the army because of my "rebel act" towards father. But all I know, is that's a bunch of crap. Worst case scenario, is that father supported that rumor. Only to save his dignity. Tsk.

"Aim for the head." Our general commanded as we started firing. I still don't get how shooting can get us anywhere. After all, aren't we supposed to scout the pod? It's not like culprits from other galaxies can just fly out to our space. After hitting all the manequins, General held up his hands----signalling us to stop "Alright. We'll continue on tomorrow." and then left.
"That's weird." Said a person behind me "What is?" I asked him. Unexpectedly, he just shrugged and took of his helmet "Don't you think that it's about time we look for the targeted pod? We've already passed several basics and even won at a practice war." what I mean from unexpectedly is the fact nobody ever talks to me because of my dad.
I took of my helmet and ran a finger to my hair "You have a point," I sighed "But isn't that just the point? We've only passed basics and a fake practice war. Don't you think they're taking us too lightly before war?"
He shook his head "Have you ever heard of military in the first place?" he raised a brow "I know your a trainee and all, but even people heard of military being brutally trained."

Kind to think of it...
He is sort of right...

"I don't know about you," The guy says turning away from my gaze "But I think they're stalling time."

You don't mean,


No way.

I balled my fists and threw all my gear away. The guy just stared at me wide eyed "H-Hey, are you okay?"
Although I wanna answer him, I can't.
The thoughts swiveling in my head started creating an unknown sensation that triggered me. Stomping, I left the practice room---making my way to father's office.
My fists crumpled and my eyes were fixed on the door "Have you sent those assigned scouts away?"
"Yes Sir" The general answered.

I knew it.

My feet sprung as I sprinted towards the control room. My heart was pounding like crazy "Rin..." I tried motivating myself and kept my guard up. I entered the control room with a loud thud of the door, all eyes were on me. "Out of my way!" I yelled out as I pushed away the person who was assigned on the main controls.
"Is that the president's son?" One says
"How awful" Another one beams
"So he is an act"
"He was way quiter than before, "

"OH SHUT up!" I demanded as I took the earpeice used for communicating "Leutenant Eri can you hear me?" I says pressing some buttons "Leautenant Eri."
"Yes sir I'm right here." he answer "Master Riku? What are you doing on the-"
"No time to waste!" I panted "I need your status ASAP! "
There was a long moment of silence until he spoke

"Not good sir."


I couldn't help feel restless last night. Sitting right beside him felt a lot worst...

He can't be with me anymore.... Why?
Is there a specific reason?
No. I need to hear that from him.

"I know Shigeru" he cuts me short immediately "I met him. He's your father."
My chest tightened suddenly and my stomach twisted "W-What?"
He closes his eyes with a stressful sigh "I'm sorry I kept it from you."
I involuntarily stood up with tears that I didnt mean to form. Curse this emotions! Curse Kibō himself! Why did he keep this from me?! Why-
"I understand that your.... Mad." He scratched the back of his head while lookong down "I mean, I'd be mad too."
"Why..." Rin says blinking her tears away "Why did you keep that from me?"
"DO YOU THINK YOUR GONNA WANNA STAY WITH ME IF I DID?!" He yells out his eyes revealing how desperate he is to not loose her "N-No... You wouldn't... Your gonna look for other clues now and forget about me."

He was... Thinking about me?
He... He still lied. He's selfish! He knows he can trust me and yet he took it for granted!

He started sobbing "I can't live with myself... If I loose you Rin..."

That made my heart sink. Looking at him, it was like he was a completely different person...
"So.. What you said last night-"
He stood up and kept his fists balled "I NEVER MEANT ANY OF THAT" He yells "I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!" he cried "Very much...."



He was trying to....

"When I was unconcious... I... Talked to your father.." he calmed down a bit "And he told me about you... Why your here.. And that your home... Is still standing strong.." he says sobbing "You still have people that care about you Rin..." Kibō hiccs "And You still have a home,"

W-What is he saying...
I don't wanna go home...
I wanna be with him...

"I'm nothing more than a spec of code from your father's creation.." He says looking down, making his bangs cover his face..
My body shook---barely taking in all what he just said. I ran to him with a tender hug "I DONT CARE!" She yelled "I wanna..." she buried her face onto his chest "I wanna stay with you forever...."
He hugs me back... But shaking his head, he sobbed louder "Time's almost up Rin... "

"It's time to say goodbye..."


Author's note

It's been a very long time I last updated. Hehe gomenasai.
Anywho~ thankyou all so much for your non stop support for my book. Two more chapters ti'll I end it T~T
What do you guys think will happen next ???

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