CHAPTER 39 - Last Message

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The drive home was quiet. Seven seemed happy for his brother and tried striking up conversation many times before leaving you be. You were happy for Saeran. He was chasing his dreams and that made you happy. But there was a small part of you that knew you would miss his company. It was selfish, but you wished that he could stay with you and Seven for longer.

You had gotten home safely nonetheless. No sooner had you walked through the door, Seven was telling you that you had to get ready to go.

"Go where?"

"Out to dinner!"

"Your brother leaves and you want to celebrate?" You quirked an eyebrow jokingly.

"Come on [Y/N]," Seven insisted, "It's a beautiful night tonight. I just want to spend it with you." The sincerity in his voice surprised you.

"Okay," You told him, "I'll go get changed."

You saw your wardrobe and gasped softly. A beautiful dress hung on one of the door handles with an envelope balanced on top of both of the handles. Opening the envelope first, you read the elegantly written letter:

Hello [Y/N],

I hope you aren't crying too much. If you were, that would just make Saeyoung sad. Don't cry. I'll be back before you know it. If you are reading this, then it means that I will be on the plane to Korea. I'm probably thinking of you and Saeyoung right now. Now, the dress. It isn't much compared to what you have given me, but I hope you like it. I saw it and instantly thought of you. I asked Saeyoung to buy it for you. Saeyoung said that you guys might go out somewhere for dinner tonight. If you do, please wear this dress. You are going to look beautiful, I promise. I wish that I could stay with you longer. Look after Saeyoung for me.


Tears stung your eyes. You turned your attention to the dress. It was white with a black floral lace design held on it by a black band. The leaves and flowers were elegant and had curling, delicate vines spiralling off it. You reached out and touched the black lace. Compelled to try on the beautiful item of clothing, you got undressed and slipped the dress over your head. The lace created a strap of sorts on your left side, which fanned out at the back and covered your scar completely. The lace flowers covered half of the dress on the bodice. When they reached the band, they wrapped around your body and then trailed off to the left of your skirt. The dress itself was soft and the skirt ended just above your knees. The skirt had many layers which caused it to float out from your body. You didn't put on much makeup, preferring to look natural. You twirled a few times in the mirror and giggled softly to yourself.

Thank you for reading.
Words: 484
Uploaded: 12 March 2017

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