Chapter 66

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Brian eased the truck into the driveway and pulled to a stop beside Stormy's car, impatient to get down to business. The trip to Houlton had taken longer than expected, and his hopes of completing the job that day were fading fast. He didn't want to carry it over into the following week, but he had made a promise to Stormy, and no amount of inconvenience would ever make him renege on a promise, to her or anyone else.

And therein lies your problem, he thought as he lowered the tailgate and slid the first bundle of shingles out of the truck bed.

Brian hoisted a bundle of shingles up onto his shoulder and hauled them around to the front of the truck just as Walter made his way around from the passenger side. The older man offered to get the ladder while Brian finished unloading the shingles, and they were just starting off in the direction of their respective tasks when Stormy emerged through the open bay door of the garage. In frayed cut-offs and an old t-shirt, with her hair starting to fall from one of those clip thingamajigs that she often wore, she still managed to take his breath away, and Brian could feel the grin breaking over his features as he started toward her. His joy didn't last long, however, and the smile fell from his lips as he beheld look of anguish that was etched upon her face.

"Stormy?" Brian probed worriedly, dropping the shingles to the ground.

Stormy didn't seem to hear him, however, as her attention was focused solely on her father. She took another step forward and stopped, her green eyes blazing and her whole body visibly shaking as she held up the bundle of letters that was clutched in her hand. Brian didn't understand what was going on, and he looked to Walter in hopes of receiving some sort of clarification. The older man stood unflinching yet resigned under the weight of his daughter's steely gaze, and though no words were spoken aloud, something was definitely being communicated between them. Brian turned his eyes back to Stormy, her gaze still locked on her father as tears streamed down her face.

"Walter," Brian snapped, his voice low but insistent as he took a step closer to the other man. "What the hell is going on?"

After what seemed like an endless silence, Walter finally responded, although his eyes never wavered from his daughter as he spoke.

"She knows."

Stormy heard his words, although the slightest downward twitch of her eyebrows was the only indication she gave. Her eyes fell on Brian as if she had only just then realized his presence, and she stared blankly at him for a long moment as her mind fought to process the situation. Her gaze flickered briefly to her father and back again, and Brian knew then that she had figured it out. She took a step toward him, her expression stricken. The fire in her eyes had been snuffed out, replaced by deep and swirling pools of anguish that threatened to pull her in and sweep her away forever. Her lips parted, and a single tear rolled down over her cheek.

"You knew," she choked out, an accusation rather than a question.

"Stormy, please," Brian pleaded, reaching out to her. "Let me explain..."

That was all the confirmation she needed, and a sob escaped from her lips as she backed away shaking her head in disbelief.

"You knew," she whispered, followed by an agonized scream. "You knew!"

"Stormy—" Brian managed before his voice was strangled by the lump in his throat. He tried to pull her into his arms.

"Don't touch me!" she spat, ducking past him and racing toward her car. "Don't fucking touch me!"

Brian caught up to her just as she pulled the driver's side door closed. She locked the door before he could get it open, and he beat helplessly on the roof as she fumbled to fit the key in the ignition.

"Stormy, don't do this!" he begged. "Please!"

The engine roared to life, and Brian had to jump back to avoid being run over as the car hurled backwards down the driveway. He chased after her, bellowing her name as she peeled out onto the road and took off in a cloud of dust. Brian started to follow and then, realizing the futility of running after her on foot, raced back up the driveway to get his truck. He nearly tore the door from its hinges as he whipped it open and clamored inside, and that was when he spotted Walter, down on one knee with one hand clutched to his chest.

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