Chapter 18

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"I'm back," Stormy called as she slipped out of her sneakers and poked her head into the livingroom, where Walter would normally be found watching his late afternoon shows at this time of day, but the room was empty.

"Hellooo," she called down the hall, but no answer came from the back side of the house.

Assuming that he must be taking a nap, she went into the kitchen to start making dinner. On the table was a note, jotted on a napkin in Lillian's swirly fashion, informing her that they were going out for dinner and wouldn't be back until later this evening.

"Walter and Lillian sittin' in a tree..." Stormy sang under her breath, smirking as she crumpled the note and tossed it into the trash.

She was just pulling open the refrigerator when the phone rang.


"Hey, you want to come over again?" Amy asked. "Steve's working late tonight, and the kids are at my mom's, so it's pizza and chick-flick night. Can your dad do without you for a few hours?"

"Actually, he's not even here," Stormy said. "I think he's out on a date with Lillian Giroux!"

"Well, duh! That's been going on for years now," Amy informed her. "They haven't officially 'come out' yet, but it's so obvious! You seriously didn't know?"

"No, I didn't," Stormy admitted.

"Well, maybe you should visit more often, dummy," Amy said. "I'm calling to order the pizza right now. I'll see you when you get here." Click.

Stormy smiled to herself, shaking her head as she hung the receiver back on the wall. She scribbled off a note to her father, grabbed the car keys from the counter, and set out for Amy's house.


The movie credits rolled up the screen as Stormy gathered their empty dishes. Amy joined her in the kitchen and pulled a tub of ice cream from the freezer, scooped out two huge bowlfuls, and headed back to the livingroom with Stormy close behind.

"I think ice cream is probably the best food ever invented," Amy mumbled through a mouthful of Gifford's. "If I could only have one dessert for the rest of my life, I would definitely pick ice cream! What's your favorite flavor?"

"I had coffee today," Stormy blurted out, unable to contain the information any longer.

"Eww, " Amy said, wrinkling her nose. "I don't like coffee ice cream."

"Not coffee ice cream, Amy!" Stormy said impatiently. "Coffee,.  The drink. With Gage."

"With Gage?" Amy said, stopping in mid-bite and staring wide-eyed at Stormy. "What do you mean with Gage?"

"What else could I mean?" Stormy shrugged. "I ran into Gage in Houlton today, and we went for coffee together."

"Together?" Amy parroted.

"Are you going to repeat everything I say?" Stormy asked. "Because if you are, this is going to be a very long conversation."

"I'm sorry, I'm just having a little trouble following," Amy scoffed. "Are we talking about Gage Robichaud? The Gage who took your virginity, not to mention almost three years of your life, and then summarily dumped you without so much as a second thought? Is that the Gage we're talking about here?"

"Amy—" Stormy sighed, setting her bowl down on the end table.

"Don't Amy me, Stormy! What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that maybe it's time to put the past in the past and let bygones be bygones," Stormy said. "Besides, he just wanted to explain..."

"Explain!" Amy fumed, jumping to her feet. "Explain what? Why it was okay for him to screw you over the way he did?"

"Amy, it's not like that," Stormy said. "We talked about a lot of things, and I really believe that he's sorry. And I kind of understand his side of things, you know?"

"Oh, my freaking word!" Amy said with a bitter laugh. "He's playing you! You're falling for his bullshit all over again!"

"I am not!" Stormy shot back, coming to her feet. "And he's not playing me! He just wants to be friends!"

"He just wants to get in your pants is more like it," Amy muttered loudly enough for Stormy to hear.

"Shut up, Amy! That's not how it is!"

"That's exactly how it is, Stormy!" Amy hissed, shooting up from her seat and jabbing a finger inches from Stormy's face. "And you of all people should be able to see it!"

"Well, maybe people change, Amy, and maybe it's time for all of us to grow up and face it!"

"Yeah, well you go right ahead and do that, Stormy!" Amy snapped. "You go ahead and have coffee with Gage, and be friends with Gage, and do whatever else you want to do with Gage, but don't expect me to be a part of it!"

Stormy gaped back at her, unsure if she was hearing her correctly. Her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Are you giving me an ultimatum?" Stormy challenged.

"Call it what you want," Amy stood firm. "But if you're going to hitch your wagon to that prick again, you can count me out!"

"Oh, that's great, Amy," Stormy said bitterly. "That's just frigging great!"

She snatched up her jacket and car keys and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

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