Chapter 16

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Papyrus POV
It has been a week since Mr and Mettaton split and I for awhile, I felt empty and broken. When I had for move in with Sans and his lover, I was jealous that their relationship worked so well. They were meant to be so did that mean me and Mettaton aren't? That was on my mind and I was sad thinking I was a burden. One day, they came into my room saying they had a surprise for me.

They were Disney Land tickets and seeing them filled me with something I had needed do a while now. Well two things. Love and determination. That is where I am now and I am smiling again which made my brother smile. We had came back and I went to make spaghetti when my phone vibrated meaning I got a call. And it was Mettaton I decided to answer. "Papy darling. I am sooo sorry for doing that to you. Will you forgive--" "SAVE IT BITCH I GOT SOMETHING TO SAY TO YOU!"

"Of course I didn't mean to." I stayed silent anger rising and my eyes burning with a orange flame. "I knew you'd say that you lying piece of shit. Don't call me again until you can apologize. Say something like that again, and I tell Sans and his lover. Understood?" "Papy I--" Click!

I slammed my phone down and put a smile on my face no way was he ruining my day. I went down and went to make spaghetti when Sans came in and dropped the dishes. "SANS WHY DID YOU--" "Why is your eye glowing Papyrus?" I realized it was still oozing its flame. I turned it off and told Sans. He was smiling but in that usual creepy manner when he's mad.

He went to the living room where Grillby was. I heard Grillby scream loudly then go to the kitchen and out the door. Sans came and smiled then left. I shrugged and called all my friends but the seemed busy. Guess they aren't home oh well more spaghetti for me. I ate until I passed out on the counter.

Third Person POV
While Papyrus was sleeping on the counter, Sans was going over his and Grillby's plan to get revenge. After a lot of convincing, Alphys agreed it was time he stopped hurting Paps. We went to his mansion and got to our positions. Sans and Grillby pretended to argue as get came out the house. Grillby stormed off and Sans pretended to cry as Mettaton came fully out the house to comfort him. He started laughing and everyone came from their hiding places. Sans giggled and looked up his sockets pouring blue from his magic.

"Get dunked on Mettaton." They jumped him destroying him and taking his parts to Hotlands to burn. "Too bad! I was going to make him taste my flames of hell." They all left satisfied with what they'd done.

Sans POV
Me and Grillby went home happy we'd finally gotten rid of that glittery rapist. In all honesty, I would have killed him when he tried to seduce Grillby and rape me but Paps said no ad Grillby believed they'd change. I knew for a fact he wouldn't and I was glad he died. We went inside to see my brother sleeping in the counter in the kitchen. I carried him upstairs and Grillby followed behind. We put him in the bed and I kissed his forehead as me and Grillby left. We went downstairs and cuddled until we passed out on the couch. Who knew I'd ever waste so much magic in one day.

Heya guys so I hope you like the update. If so give suggestions and stuff and I had nothing to say except see you tomorrow. Bye my Mintees in training~

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