"Mom let me help you." Kimani offered as she took the heavy bags which were weighing on her small frame from her. "Did you buy food because I can smell food." She pondered as she scanned the bags before placing them onto the counter tops.

"Yeah, I bought you favourite food from Isatu." (Yes, I bought your favourite food from Isatu's shop.) She replied as she took out her own food which she had bought for herself. They both sat at the dinning table and ate as the T.V spoke in the background. These were the moments Kimani and her mom both secretly longed for but it was life and they knew that success paid a price, even if it was time spent away from family.

At Christian's house mayhem has run loose as all siblings are at attendance in the house, Christian, Brandon and Raina, the eldest three, their mom was not in attendance as she was picking up her daughters from their aunty.

"What the fuck do you mean he's in jail!" Raina yelled at her brothers who were not getting up from the sofas trying to understand her lack of understanding. "When did this happen?" Raina questioned with anger. She loved her father, he was supportive and helped with the pregnancy as he gave her money and support, as the first daughter he was disappointed but to know she was 'fulfilling her role as a woman' he saw her differently. He wanted to her marry first but to know he would be a grandfather of a beautiful boy excited him more, on the other hand, Ariam was less thrilled as she wanted her daughter to go to university and see life for its fullest she wanted her daughter to enjoy life not be trapped by another, she was more strict and offered less help financially not to be spiteful but to show her the hardships of her circumstance before she's shown the 'harder' way.

"He's been in jail for nearly a month, you're late." Brandon said laughing as he walked past her into the kitchen. He didn't care for her 'extra ass' anyways, he wanted to just be chilling but his sister always had something to say, something to do, just something extra.

"Why didn't you tell me!" She yelled at Christian who was screwing (mean mugging) her, Ice Cube style. He was confused, he had just explained the whole situation and the response he had gotten from his sister wasn't what was expected or wanted, it was the opposite, instead of worrying about the apparent slash across his arm or how he felt about the whole situation, or how their mother felt she worried about her father nothing else. "Is he OK?" She asked him as she began to panic, heart beating fast and mind running crazy.

"What do you mean is he OK, what about your mom or me or the fucking twins, he nearly killed your mother that night and he did this to me." He said showing her his arm which had a permanent scar on it. "You're worried about an abuser instead of someone whose been hurt by them, what the fuck." Christian yelled as he felt his temper take over.

Hit her, show her whose boss, tell her the next time she fucking tries it she'll feel what your mother felt, then she'll understand .. dumb bitch.

Walk away, don't even entertain it Chris, if she doesn't see the problem now, she never will, until its too late.

The voices of anger and consciousness fought inside him as he tried to control his emotions. "Who the fuck are you talking to?" Raina asked stepping closer to him. "Just cause I'm not home doesn't mean I want fuck you up." She said shoving him back causing him to stumble and then regain balance.

Christian's chest heaved up and down as he started getting angrier. "Fuck off then, stay with your child and your bloodclart man, no one asked you to come here, you dumb bitch!" Christian yelled back as he walked closer to her staring into her eyes, anger was slowly winning the battle between his sanity.

Hit her now, she put her hands on you, you can, you can, you can, you ...

NOOOOOO, don't you'll be just as bad as him, you'll be just like your Dad!

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