I blushed furiously and took a deep breath, covering his hand with my own. Alec's hand was so warm and he flipped his hand over so he was holding mine. I closed my fingers around his and we rode in silence.

When we reached our destination which was a nice restaurant, Alec got out and came over to my side and opened my door for me. I climbed out and he shut the door. We walked into the restaurant and he said to the receptionist,

"Reservations for Lightwood and Stilinski?"

The receptionist glanced at the clipboard in her hands, smiled and said, "Right this way."

She led us to our table which was by the window. I glanced around the restaurant and noticed that there wasn't very many people here. At least it wasn't crowded. A waitress walked over to our table and introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Emily and I'll be your server for the night. What can I get you start you off with?"

"Can I have a Dr Pepper?" I asked.

She nodded jotting it down on a notepad and looked at Alec. "I'll just have a water."

She walked away and I skimmed over the menu, looking for something that I wanted. Alec was staring at me and I glanced up at him sheepishly. He smiled slightly and started looking at his own menu.

When the waitress returned with our drinks we gave her our orders and she went to go place them. We waited for twenty minutes and she came with our food. We ate in silence and Alec excused himself to go to the restroom. On his way there he spoke quietly with the owner of the restaurant and disappeared into the bathroom.

A song came on through the speakers and Alec walked out of the bathroom and began to sing.

"Pulling me further, further than I've been before

Making me stronger, shaking me right to the core


I don't know what's in the stars

Never heard it from above, the world isn't ours

But I know what's in my heart

If you ain't mine, I'll be torn apart

I don't know who's gonna kiss you when I'm gone

So I'm gonna love you now, like it's all I have

I know it'll kill on me when it's over

I dont wanna think about it, I want you to love me now."

I listen to Alec sing shocked and surprised that he was singing to me.

"Something inside us knows there's nothing guaranteed; yeah

Boy I don't need you to tell me that you'll never leave; no

When we've done all that we could

To turn darkness into light, turn evil to good

Even when we try so hard for that perfect kind of love

It could all fall apart

And who's gonna kiss you when I'm gone

Oh I'm gonna love you now, like it's all I have

And I know it'll kill me when its over

I don't wanna think about it, I want you to love me now."

While he was singing Alec slowly made his way over to me and knelt down in front of me so he was eye level with me.

"I don't know how the years will go down

It's alright

Let's make the most of every moment


I don't know who's gonna kiss you when I'm gone

So I'm gonna love you now, like it's all I have

I know it'll kill me when it's over

I don't wanna think about it, I want you to love me now

I don't know who's gonna kiss you when I'm gone

So I'm gonna love you now, like it's all I have

And I know it'll kill me when it's over

I don't wanna think about it, I just wanna love you now."

He sang the last verse and swooped in, kissing me deeply. I sucked in a breath and kissed him back, draping my arms loosely around his shoulders. I heard clapping and we pulled away; me blushing and Alec standing taller than me, gazing at my face with a huge smile on his face.

Alec placed a huge tip on the table and said, "Let's go home."

Forever More (Teen Wolf & Shadowhunters C / Over ) Where stories live. Discover now