Duffy • Admin

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Howdy, my name is Duffy and I'm here to help you!
I'm fairly easy to get along with, as long as you can handle dark jokes and 100% honesty.

A little bit about me, is firstly; I love serial killers! They're fascinating to me, to say the least, and a great way to catch my attention. I also love cats and I'm very into conspiracy theories. I love jokes, and playing around. It's actually really fuckin' hard to get me to be serious. And did I mention I have a potty mouth? Oops, the more you know. Annnywho, I'm also 18 (going on 19) and I'm a Virgo, can I get a hell yeah for my fellow virgos? Everyone knows we're the best zodiac sign, even If they refuse to admit it. 

Also nice to know, I love video games and creating digital art. If you don't want advice and simply want a friend or someone new to talk to, you can always visit my profile and shoot me a message. Considering I'm practically a troglodyte with no life right now, I'll get back to you VERY quickly.

I look forward to meeting you! (Ps, I'm toooootally the funny one here. Just saying.)

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